Chapter 36: Detention

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A/N: 'Come into my life' is such a beautiful romantic song.

"These days by your side have taught me that truthfully there is no determined time to start loving someone. I feel something so profound that there is no explanation; There is no reason or logic in my heart.

Come into my life; I open the door for you. I know that in your arms, there will not be any more lonely nights. Come into my life; I am begging you. First, I started missing you. But then, I began needing you. 

Good night; Nice to meet you. There is no one else anymore. After this time together, I can't go back.You talked to me; You touched me and you became my illusion. I want you to be the owner of my heart."

"Anna..." I said in a pleading tone. I brushed my hand from her right knee to her inner tight, keeping my other hand on her waist.

"Caleb... stop," she whispered with a shaky breathless voice.

"Please...I am begging you." I moved my hand up her inner tight and she gripped my arms and tried to pull away again. Each day, I am more desperate to feel her. I had no idea this would be so difficult.

Anna put her hand on my cheek and smiled sadly. Then, she shook her head no. The sad expression on her face made me realize how difficult I was making things for her.

I let go of her and took a step back. "Have you always felt this for me?"

"This need... Yes." She slid off the desk and fixed her clothes and her hair.

"I am sorry." I went to my seat and rested my forehead down against my forearms. Gosh, I know I promised to be patient but not being able to mate with her when she is this close is just pure torture. If she was not my teacher I would be all over her at any possible minute of the day.

I heard Anna exhale loudly and in a second I could no longer feel any smell coming from her. 

"How did you do that?" I asked her. I knew werewolves could hide their own scent but not other's wolves scents.

Anna smiled warmly and walked up to me. She sat on the seat in front of me. "Do you know how to hide your own scent?"

I nodded and her smile widened.

"Focus as if you were desperately trying to hide not only your own smell but everything on you. Try  to imagine that you are invisible and impossible to detect."

I closed my eyes and followed her instructions. 

"Almost there. Breathe in and breathe out. Remember, you do not want anyone to notice you. It is a life or death situation."

When I took in a breath after that, the air was different. I could no longer feel any of our scents coming from me. Anna smiled. She looked so proud of me. I grinned.

"I knew you would learn this fast. It took my retarded brother a full month to master it," she said as she ruffled my hair. She walked away and unlocked the door.

"I did not know that it was possible to do that," I said. 

"I had to learn to do this in an extreme situation while I was out on the field dealing with informants. I will tell you the whole story later if you want to."


I mindlinked Samuel and soon he and Matt walked through the door. "You owe me a big one," Samuel said as he sat down. After ten minutes, the rest of our classmates walked in. 

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