Chapter 50: I Am Sorry

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A/N: I am actually crying writing these things. But if I do not write the whole story, what she will do next will not make sense. I cannot just write "And she was tortured for days," and expect you to understand how a broken person acts.

Alexander gave me a fiendish smile. "So cute, beautiful. I am not bluffing, love." He leaned down to me. "So what will your choice be? The clock is ticking."  

I tried to take a step forward, away from him. There is no way I can do this. Alexander's arms kept me in place. The grip on my arms was so strong that I am sure I will get more bruises.

Alexander clicked his tongue. "You got only two options. Either one is fine by me. Do not think that you can fool me. I will give you three seconds. Three..."

"Two..."  I tried to pull away from him but he would not budge. 

"One..." I was desperate. So far, Alexander has proved me over and over what he is capable off. So, I did the opposite of I wanted to do; I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Alexander. He put a hand on the back of my head. The sharp pain in my chest let me know that I was broken now. I do not care about myself anymore , but I cannot let this monster kill my little Alpha.

Alexander would not let me pull away, so I bit his tongue. He quickly let go off me, but refused to show any sign of pain. He grinned wryly. I turned around and my mate was standing a few feet away from me. I looked into his eyes, hoping that he would somehow read my mind. If my wolf was awake, Caleb would be able to feel what I am feeling. But, Alexander took that away from me as well.

We just stared at each other in silence for a moment, before he crumpled down on the floor. I jumped to go by his side both Alexander was gripping my hand.

"You sure, you want to do that, love?" he said, still smiling cruelly.

Samuel and Matt rushed to Caleb's side and helped him up. Samuel looked at me with hatred in his eyes. "I hope you are happy now," he said.

"I..." I tried to take a step toward them again but Alexander stopped me. "I am sorry," I said before running away in the opposite direction and toward the car. I pulled Alexander with me, not trusting leaving him alone with them. My vision was clouded and I almost crashed with some people, but I kept running. I cannot let the bastard keep hurting my mate.

The two pack members were still in the car. I got into the back seat with my cheeks already wet from the tears that kept pouring from my eyes. I doubled down resting my forehead against my knees and sobbed loudly. Everything hurt. I could not breathe. I let the lack of oxygen numb me and then screamed until I felt as if my throat would rip apart. I dug my nails in my palms and arms, hissing in pain. However, it was not nearly enough. I pulled my hair until some chunks of hair detached from my scalp.

Alexander's arms enveloped me and prevented me from moving. "I know it hurts now, but soon you will not feel anything."

"Let go off me! I hate you! I hate you! Just.. Kill me! Let me die!" I yelled, my voice cracking between nearly every word.

He kept me in place and hummed some lullaby.

"I hate..." It sounded more like a croak. "I hate you! I will never love you."

"That is just the anger talking. You will be okay." He pressed his lips against my head.

I was still sobbing loudly and sniffling when we arrived at his house. Alexander had tried to command me to shut up a couple of times but lastly gave up. He picked me up and carried me to his room. I was placed on the bed and left alone in the room. Alexander had made sure of not leaving anything in the room that could be used as weapon.

I took the chance and grabbed the heaviest object within my reach, a chair. My legs were all wobbly as I dragged it to the bathroom. After making sure that the door was locked, I picked the chair up. I sighed. This is the only thing I have control over, now. I threw the chair at the bathroom mirror. 

A deafening crash thundered across the small room and the mirror shattered in many small pieces on the sink and bathroom floor. I took the sharpest looking piece. Blood soon began dripping from my palm and fingers. My reflection looked as broken as the mirror in my hand, maybe even more. 

I can still be selfish. I closed my eyes and gasped as I dug the sharpest point in my wrist and dragged it up through my whole forearm. Blood began pouring from the deep cut. I opened the tap and put my wrist in the running water. I hissed, smiling indulgently. This could work.

The doorknob rattled and I walked to stand beside the door. I can slit his throat and take him with me. The previously locked bathroom door was kicked open and I quickly jumped at the person who walked in, making us both crash on the floor.  I opened my hand and let the piece of mirror fall on the floor when I realized who the person under of me was.

"Ugh. For fuck's sake Adam, never barge into the bathroom when a girl is bleeding profusely. You could get hurt," I said.

Beta Adam held me by my shoulders and stood up, lifting me with him as if I weighed nothing. He looked me up and down. "What the hell were you doing? This looks bad, Anna."

"I know it, right? I hate green too. It is definitely not my color."

He picked me up and placed me on the bed. Deja vu. To be honest the pain and the blood lost are making me feel so high right now. Just a little bit more and I will be free.

Adam wrapped the wound with the bed sheets and kept applying pressure. I closed my eyes and relaxed, not caring about anything in the world. I did notice Abigail rushing into the room with some medical kit. She began treating the wound. 

"She needs the shot, Abigail. Otherwise, she may ask her pack for help," Adam said.

"No. She needs her wolf to heal, or she will die," Abigail said.

"Alpha Alexander would not be pleased."

"He would be even more displeased if she dies. Ask him. Her wolf is too weak to communicate with anyone. We just need to keep her unconscious, so she does not mind link anyone," Abigail said.

"Inject her the anesthesia then. Quickly!"

I felt a pinch on my arm and my conscience began to slowly fade away. Just as I was about to let go and fall into slumber I felt the mind link come back. I focused on my brother.

'Brother save me!' I told him.

'Anna? What happened?'

'I am in-'


Day 3, Wednesday  

When I opened my eyes again, I noticed my bandaged arm, and just like before, I was unable to use the mind link. I tried to move but heavy arms on my belly kept me trapped. Alexander was sitting on a chair with his upper body resting on the bed, sleeping. I tried to wriggle my way out but then realization hit me. 

I looked frantically around me, but the nightstand had been emptied. What can I kill him with? I knew that I could not use my own force as I am sure I am pretty pathetic right now.

"What are you looking for, love?" Alexander asked. 

There goes my chance. "Get out of here! I hate you." 

"I would not-"

"I do not care what fucking threat you use right now. Please do kill whoever you want to kill but first put me out of my misery!"

He stood up and sighed. "I cannot deal with you right now. I will give you some time."

Adam walked into the room and sat on the chair. Alexander left. The bastard ran away and let his Beta babysitting me.

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