A/N: These pieces of advice were given by fellow readers, so even if you disagree, play nice. No name-calling, please.
Song: "Same Old Love," by Selena Gomez.
Elena was the first one to talk. "Anna, you know that I love you and I am risking making you angry again but you need to hear this; The bid is too high. Caleb always failed his promises. How much breaking can you take?"
Those words felt like as if cold water had been thrown on me. How much suffering can I take? Last time I almost couldn't come back. However, even if a big part of me couldn't believe anymore. I wanted to think that it was real. That I wasn't crazy.
"But, he is telling the truth, Elena. He knelt before me and told me that he would spend the rest of his life proving his love for me. Even if I can barely fell the bond, I want to trust him."
"Did he tell you what happened all that time? Did you tell him everything you have gone through?"
"We are going to talk about that tomorrow."
My mother chimed in. "Give your mate a chance to explain why he wasn't there for you, and let him know how feel about you two. You are made for each other after all, but after all he has done, he should fight for it."
"Fight for it? What is the point if they love each other?" asked Abigail.
"She almost died because of him. It isn't right to let him have her like its nothing. She shouldn't forget all the pain, rejection, lying, and cheating that she has been through. She may forgive Caleb and try to work things out but she must never forget what he has done. She might want to follow what her wolf's instinct but she mustn't forget her human side as well."
My right hand went to my neck. If he had listened to me that day, things would have been a lot different – less painful.
"What do you want Anna? I punched Oliver for what he did, by the way," said Elena.
I slumped my shoulders and let my hands fall to my sides. "Sometimes, I can see my future with Oliver, you know? Us growing old together with children. Never being afraid of him rejecting me. But, it just feels like the easy way--running away. With Caleb, it is like the calm before the storm. I look at him, I listen to his words and I know that he believes them. But, I don't. Every time he says he loves me I feel so happy because it is what I want, but at the same time, I feel like crying because I can't trust him anymore. With him, everything feels like a dream. A dream from which I could wake up in the worst moment again."
Elena sighed. "I think you should be more forgiving with both. Caleb was a very stupid and immature teenager when you met him. You and Oliver, on the other hand, went through all that growing up together. It is just normal how comfortable you are with each other. You practically molded each other's personalities. I am just wondering; How can you so easily forgive Caleb who has been hurting you again and again but leave Oliver immediately because of one brokenhearted mistake after he had proven you how much he loves you?"
I kept quiet. Why? Why does being with Caleb feels so right?
"Anna, what did you feel when you went to Oliver's apartment and found him with another girl?" My mother voice was so soft as always.
"I was sad, of course. It hurt."
"Just sad?"
"No... I also felt... relieved. I want him to be happy and seeing him with another girl showed me that he could move on."

Her Younger Mate (Old Version)
WerewolfThe edited version of this book is being updated under the name "That's Inappropriate, Mr. King." Twenty-two-year-old Anna wonders if she will ever find her mate. After her brother suggests that she should go to her original pack and try her luck, s...