Extra: The Future. Part 2.

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A/N: Please do read the titles of the chapters. I put the numbers for a reason. If it is not numbered it means it is extra/non-cannon/peek-to-the-future/not-what-happens-after-the-previous-chapter/etc. I like to write extra chapters with things that would be considered filler is I made them into a regular chapter, but I always find the same problem. I am sorry if this makes you confused. If it is annoying, please just read the numbered chapters.

Almost three years forward the current events in the book, three wolves were running through some forest in India. Anna was one of them. It had been six hours and she was convinced that the local guide was lost.

'Are we there yet?' she mindlinked her partner Anthony.

'We are almost there, I can smell it,' he said.

She noticed the hint of amusement in his tone and shook her head. 'You have no idea where we are, do you?' 

'Nope, but Arjun here seems like a very trustworthy werewolf.'

'Where did you even find him?'  


Anna growled. 'Tony...'

'I was just kidding, jeez. He is the future Alpha of the pack we are helping.'

Soon, the group was welcomed by four other werewolves. They escorted them to a huge building covered in leaves and plants. From afar, it would be impossible to guess that the pack house was there. The group was offered clothes; They went to the bushes and quickly shifted and dressed up.

Anna was about to enter the house when the sound of cars startled her.

"Anthony..." She said softly.

He gulped catching up on what was going through Anna's mind. "What does the most kind and charming woman on the world has to say?

"Would you mind telling me, why we ran for over six hours when we could just have come by car?"

"I wanted you to take a look at the local fauna and vegetation."

"That's it. I am killing you after we are done here."

A tall woman greeted them with a smile. "You two make such alovely couple. I am the Luna of this pack. My name is Ayaan." She extended her hand.

Anna shook Ayaan's hand. "Nice to meet you Ayaan. I am Anna Amores-Lobo. Just let me clarify something. There is nothing between me and that. My soul mate is much more cooler than him."

Anthony chuckled. "Anna, you hurt my feelings."

He shook the woman's hand. "Nice too meet you. I am Anthony Maddox and, believe it or not, I am actually this girl's superior. For the record, my mate is much more handsome and manly than her."

Anna rolled her eyes. "You are my assigned partner, not my superior."

"I am your senior partner and your mentor. That makes me your superior."

Anna huffed and decided to ignore him. Arjun,  Ayaan, Anna and Anthony walked into the Alpha's office. 

"I was worried when the council said that they were sending only two people to help, but if it is Chief Warrior and former Beta Anna and former Alpha Maddox, I am sure that the problem will be solved in a blink," said Ayaan.

"Oh, you know us?" asked Anthony.

"Of course I do. You two are walking legends. I get why they put you in a team together." 

Anthony nodded and mind linked Anna, telling her to speak. She noticed that he was in working mode now and put on a serious face.

"Thank you," said Anna. "So, we understand that you currently are having problems with rogues that have allied themselves with hunters; You have lost too many warriors and they got the Alpha of the pack. Is that right?"

The Luna and her son nodded. 

"We have reasons to believe they are keeping my father alive to get information," said Arjun.

Anthony cleared his throat. "We will go over the evidence you have found that support this claim shortly. We have already scanned the northern side of the forest in our way here. There was not much activity over there. I do believe that they have maybe two or three small groups situated in that part of the territory."

Anna's first assignment as a member of the council had just begun and so far she had concluded that Indian food is awesome, but the weather was not her favorite.

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