Sneak Peek of Chapter 4 and Announcement

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A/N: Song "Yellow Light," by Of Monsters And Men.  

Thanks to the positive response you guys have given me, I decided to make this story a new book. BTW: Thank you for your thoughtful comments and support. I really appreciate it.

Six years ago

I ran deeper into the woods. My lungs and throat burned and the cold wind whipped my face. If I hadn't known better, I would've said that only the crunch of my feet pressing the dead leaves followed me. But, I knew better. They were always here, watching me. Alexander would never leave me alone.

"I'm done! I hate this! I hate him!" I finally stopped running and stomped on the ground clenching my fists and gritting my teeth. I gasped for air, swallowing to release the tension in my throat. "I hate you, Alexander James Hunter! I hate you!"

"Don't hate so strongly. It isn't good for your health."

I whipped my head around toward the owner of the smooth voice. A tall muscular man wearing dress pants and a white shirt leaned against a tree. He looked as if he was in his early thirties and had tan skin. His eyes and hair were almost the same shade of chocolate. Light stubble extended along his strong jaw. 

He seemed familiar, not as a person. He had that presence that demanded obedience. Was he an Alpha? He was different from Alexander, though--stronger. Who but an Alpha would dress so formal to go for a hike in the middle of the forest? 

Not me. He made me self-conscious with my cheap long white cotton dress and my lone flipflop. The other one hadn't survived my "journey" to this fine place.

He took a step toward me and I took a step back. Who was he? Only rogues roamed this forest. Where were Alexander's men when I needed them?

He smiled warmly, which accentuated his elegant features. "Sorry for starling you. My name is John Doe--"

"Bullshit!" If he was going to kidnap me or kill me, I deserved to at least know his real name.

He chuckled. "Sorry, I'm Salvador Lobo. Nice to meet you, Rainey."

"First, that's not my name. Second, Lobo? As in wolf?"

He completely dismissed my question and ran a hand through his silky hair. "You've been coming into my... territory pretty often for the last couple of months. I like to keep tabs on everything. Rainey suits you. It's a new name derived from Reina, which means queen. A new name, for a new girl."

"Your territory? But--"

"Let's cut the chase, shall we? Your stalkers are being entertained at the moment, but we don't have much time. I've got a proposal for you."

A/N: The complete version of chapter four has been in the book "Collecting Misery." I know you all read the previous chapters, but give the new book some love. That would make me really happy.

Here is the cover!

Here is the cover!

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