Chapter 10: The Deal

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Caleb guided me outside of the pack house and to a garden I had never noticed before. As we were in the middle of Fall, the leaves of the trees were showing shades of orange and red. A lone cheeping sparrow caught my attention. I love birds. We sat on a bench that was almost hidden between pinkish leaves. Seeing him here alone with me made my breath hitch. He truly is beautiful. 

Caleb was the first one to talk, effectively breaking the comfortable silence we were in. "So what brings you here? Did you decide to give in to my charm?" He winked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Oh my gosh, why are you always so cringey? First, technically I live here as well. Second, you are still a kid to me and third, I am not here by my own choice," I said in a mocking tone.

He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth... as expected. I have noticed that one thing Caleb hates is being called a kid, which he is. He quickly recovered and turned to me with a smirk.

"Then why were you waiting outside of my room? Did you enjoy the show?" he asked chuckling.

I signaled to my headphones. "Thankfully I did not. Anyway, how have you been lately?" 

He arched an eyebrow and I shrugged. 

"Did you almost barged into my room today while I was clearly busy to ask me how I have been doing?" He burst into laughter. 

I felt my cheeks heat up and looked away from him but he grabbed my chin and slowly moved my head to make me face him.

"That is a good look on you." He caressed my cheek. 

"I cannot do this!" I stood up from the bench. "I will go straight to the point Mr. King. Your mother and father asked me to talk to you because apparently you have a problem," I said using air quotes, "and it is not like a can refuse an Alpha and a Luna request."

"What do you mean?" His hands curled into fists and his nose flared up. This guy seriously has some anger issues.

"Apparently you have been taking girls to the Alpha's house and your parents are worried that your future mate is watching you and your man-whore ways." I jeered at his reaction.

"Why would they tell that to you!" He stood up from the bench to pace beside it, stomping his feet.

"Your guess is as good as mine. The Luna did mention something about me being a figure of authority and closer to your age."  

He stared up and down at me. "Plus you are hot." he said matter-of-factly. "I guess I can understand their logic." He ran a hand through his shiny and silky dark brown hair and groaned.

"So, I guess we could make a deal." 

He stood there looking me at the eye like trying to read if I was being serious.

"You want to make a deal with me?" He pointed himself as he walked toward me smirking. 

I stood my ground not letting any emotion reflect on my face.

"It is quite simple, actually. Your mother wants me to be your friend for some weird reason. We could just meet once or twice a week and talk or play videogames or something and you stop taking girls to the Alpha's house."

"So you will be mine twice a week?" he asked with a sly smile.

"Absolutely no! I will be your friend and only that." I  emphasized the word friend.

"Have you seen what my female friends and I usually do?" he asked putting his hands in his pockets a shrugging his shoulders. 

"Yes, but I will act like a real friend to you just so your parents are happy. No funny business."

"I do not know, Anna. I have never been just friends with a girl." He hummed and touched his chin as if remembering something.

I didn't want to do this but desperate times required desperate measures. I clung to the sleeve of his sweater with both of my hands tugging it softly and gave him my best puppy eyes. I had to look up to meet his gaze. I hated how even teenagers were taller than me.

"Caleb, please help me. I am not a part of this pack, so I can only be here because of the Alpha's kindness. I do not want to disappoint them. Please?" I pouted.

He just stared at my face wide-eyed. I heard his raising heartbeat and he gulped. His eyes were turning golden and he turned his head away from my gaze, looking down and covering it with his free hand. 

I smirked. I let go of his sleeve with one hand and instead grabbed his hand, tugging at his arm again. I felt sparks at his touch and a warm fuzzy feeling ran through my body. "Please?" 

He turned to face me again, his hand covering his mouth and I swear he looked at me with loving eyes.  He moved his hand away from his mouth and caressed my cheek, sending waves of happiness through me. Larentia felt like moving her tail from happiness. I would say she purred, but wolves do not purr. 

I gave him a small smile and he leaned down to kiss me, his eyes now completely golden. I did the logical thing to do and let go of his hand and took three steps back. He growled and closed his eyes taking deep breaths. When he looked back at me his eyes were back to normal.

"So, what do you say? Can I be your fake friend?" I asked grinning , bouncing on my toes and putting my hands together, but he frowned.

He tapped his chin again staring at nothing before the corners of his lips curled into a smile and his expression changed to a happy one.

"What about this, I behave in front of my parents and you in turn become my real friend. No acting and no hidden intentions."

He showed me the palms of his hands like trying to show me he has nothing to hide, but I know better than to trust him that easily. This does not sound that bad, though. I could get to actually know him and not his bad-boy persona. 

"We could try that..." I said apprehensively biting my lower lip. 

His eyes immediately darted to my lips but he did not say anything, instead he extended his hand to me.

"Deal?" He flashed me a dazzling smile.

"Deal..." I took his hand and he shook it lightly before pulling me toward him and hugging me. I tried to free myself from his embrace.

"Just stay like this for a moment please," he grumbled sniffing my neck. 

I pushed him hard and he staggered back. He shot me a hurt look before composing himself.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes..." he said between gritted teeth.

"If I am going to be your friend you need to respect boundaries," I crossed my arms and put on a serious face.

He looked up and closed his eyes before moving his gaze to meet mine. "Yes, I am sorry." 

Wow, the spoiled kid has apologized. I will save this in my diary. Somehow I managed to hold back a sarcastic comment.

"Let's try again." He walked to me and extended his hand, which I took cautiously. 

"Pleased to have you as a friend." He beamed, his cute dimples almost making him look innocent.

"Thank you..." I mumbled.

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