Chapter 58: Caleb

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A/N: Assume Sunday is the first day of the week!

Third week of December, Sunday


After Anna had left the room, it took me a moment to process what had happened. My mate looked so pale, a lot more than this morning. Is she hurt? I need to check on her, take her to the pack doctor. 

She had come back for me, even after what I did earlier. I stiffened as I remembered what she just said. Her words echoed in my mind in a loop:  Never, ever, talk to me, look at me or even think about me. Your mate is dead, I promise you! 

She cannot die. I would not leave her. I am an idiot. Why do I keep on making the same mistakes?  I thought she didn't care. I did not want to lose her. I just wanted her to shut me up. But, she accepted the rejection and even asked me to reject her. 

My wolf was whimpering and howling, urging me to go beg her to take me back. I was on the verge of shifting to chase after her. I cannot lose her. 

I growled at the girl in my room and she ran away. I took a step toward the door to go implore forgiveness, but Chris stopped me. He put his hands on my chest and pushed me back making me almost fall.

"Don't go. She is probably going back to him now. You will only get hurt again," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. After I had officially fucked my life up by rejecting her, I was lying on my bed sobbing and feeling miserable. Chris had walked into my room with drinks, which I do not know how he even got. 

He'd kept giving me beer and shots until I nearly passed out. Then, that girl had walked in and started kissing me. I just wanted the pain to go away. Anna had done it with that guy. Why couldn't I do the same? 

I shook my head trying to somehow sober myself up a little. 

"I am going," I said taking a step to the right.

Chris moved in front of me, blocking my way out again. "You are not in your right mind. I am trying to do you a favor here." 

I stared at him and noticed that he was smirking as if he was enjoying what was happening. That sly expression on his face only added to my rage.

"What is so funny? Do you think this is a fucking joke?" 

He chuckled. The bastard laughed at my face in the worst day of my life. My wolf and I had had enough. I took a step back and shifted into my wolf. I let him take control.

Instead of moving away from the door, Chris shifted as well and squared up. I tackled him, snarling and growling furiously. I sunk my teeth in his right shoulder. He pushed me off him and lunged at me. Even drunk, I could easily dodge his attack; As I was about to charge at him again a sharp pain struck my chest. I fell on the ground whimpering. 

Chris took the chance and jumped on me. He mindlinked me: 'I have been waiting for this.' His teeth bared as he lowered his nuzzle. The pain had extended to my whole body and I could not move. His teeth were about to sink into my neck.

His weight was suddenly taken off me and I heard a loud crash. I turned my head to see Samuel's brown wolf viciously biting Chris' left side. Chris' blood was flowing from his open wounds and pooling around him. His loud whimpers and yelps still could not cover the sound of his flesh being ripped off. 

Chris shifted back to his human form and lost consciousness; He was badly mauled. I commanded Samuel to stop. I wanted to deal with Chris myself. He has been talking badly about my mate for over a week and urging me to reject the bond, and now this. He needs to be questioned. 

I shifted back and tried to stand up, but the sightliest movement felt as if tiny needles were digging into my skin. I panicked and mind linked my parents, and they told me that Samuel had already called them. Samuel shifted back and got dressed; He helped me put on some shorts and get to my bed. I screamed from pain the whole distance. As the second passed I felt not only the needles but also as if small insects crawled under my skin and inside of my body. It made me itchy, but moving put me in terrible pain. 

After a few minutes, I was begging Samuel to knock me out. I had to take a look at my body to convince myself that I was not being crushed alive, that my bones were not being cracked. I wanted to tear out my limbs so at least it would hurt less. I tried calling my wolf but he had gone silent. He simply refused to answer me. The last thing I saw before finally losing consciousness was my parents and some pack doctors rushing into the room. 


I was on a hospital bed drifting and out of consciousness. Samuel was by my side explaining my parents and doctors what had happened. My mother started crying when he told her about the rejection and the expression on my father's face darkened. 

The doctor said that no analgesic in the world would help with the pains of rejection and that judging by my condition it would take me at least two weeks to get better. No, I need to talk to my mate. I need to fix things. I had no energy to use the mindlink. I tried to speak, but it came out more like almost unintelligible mumbles.

"My mate... I need...see...her." 

Samuel sighed and pulled his phone out. After a while, he frowned and put the phone back in his pocket. "Sorry, but neither her nor Matt are answering at the moment."

"Matt?" I asked.

Samuel looked panicked. I did not understand what Matt had to do with all this. I understand that he and Chris had never gotten along, but Chris had apologized to him and treated him better since last week. Now, I understood that it was probably a facade, but why would Samuel call him now. 

I glared at Samuel and he looked away. "Matt left the house with Anna," he whispered.

The pain in my body did not compare to the burning pain in my chest. Just like before, another man had seen in her what I had not seen. Just like before someone else was wiping off her tears. Only that this time, I knew he was better than me. Anna, I will go to you. Please wait for me a little more. I will lick the ground your feet touch. I will do anything, please.

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