Chapter 37: Half a Second

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"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Caleb as he scratched the back of his neck. He gave me a worried look. 

We were now siting side by side at the by the river, our usual meeting spot. This place is probably my favorite place on Earth. The water looked as clear as always. It reflected me and my lovely and worried mate beside me. Maybe I should not have left him hanging. My poor little Alpha must have been so worried. "I wanted to talk about what happened this morning."

He looked as if he was about to cry. "I swear, she was the one that-"

"Not that. I told you that I trust you. Besides, you are so beautiful-"

"Handsome," he said dripping so much confidence in only one word.

"Handsome... that it does not surprises me that girls want you despite of your personality." I eyed him and huffed. "Are you that good to have them begging for more?"

He arched an eyebrow and flashed me a mischievous smile. "That is inappropriate Ms. Amores."

I laughed out loud, smacking my thights. "Good one." I stopped laughing and tried to harden my expression. "What happened later is what worries me."

"You mean, when I did this?" He put his hand on my knee brushing his fingers up my inner thight. "I can feel how much you enjoy this," he whispered in my ear before taking it in between his teeth and nibbling it slowly.

I would not be able to describe what he makes me feel without making this R-rated. I know I will dehydrate if he keeps on doing this. I sighed heavily trying to ignore his wandering hand. "In one month, I will resign and you will be eighteen. We will be fine then. Could you wait until then?"

He cupped my cheek with his other hand and leaned to me, his eyes fixed on mine. "Or we can keep this a secret." Our noses were touching and we were just millimeters away from crossing a line I was not sure I would want to come back from.

I pushed his hands off me and turned away. "I cannot have you staring at me like that with that gorgeous face of yours."

He chuckled lowly and I felt irritated by him for the first time in a while. I turned and looked him death in the eye. "Caleb." He noticed the change in my tone and body language and straightened up and gulped.  

"I am trying to do things right. Please, help me out," I said.

He nodded vigorously. "I am sorry Anna. Please don't get angry. I want to do things right too. I will stop tempting you with my immeasurable charm and wit."

I rolled my eyes and he moved his arm slowly to wrap it across my shoulders. Shit. I doubled over with laughter. I cursed myself for my reaction. I turned my head to him to find him smirking down at me. 

"Is it me or you were feeling ticklish?" he asked in a low menacing tone.

I gulped. "Nope. It was you."

"Oh yeah?" He ran his hands up and down my back.

I instinctively threw my body back to cover my weakness. Big mistake. I was now lying on my back. My brown eyes found his amused crystal blue eyes. He had a crooked smiled on his face, as he looked from head to toe with predatory eyes. 

"Remember your promise," I whispered.

"I remember," he said as he made me roll over and sat on my lower back. He pulled my top up and slowly and tortuously ran the tips of his fingers through my back. I laughed until tears began streaming down my face. I was writhing beneath him as he continued his merciless assault. 

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