Chapter 18: Revelations - Part 1

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Before going to bed Anna texted Kathe to remind her that training began Monday evening. She turned her phone off before going back to sleep. Interruptions were not allowed. 

The following day Anna found a yellow rose at her doorstep with a note that said: "yellow is the color of happiness. I cannot wait to see your smile today." The note smelt like him. She put the yellow rose along with the lavender rose in a tall glass with water and the note in her bedside drawer. Anna sighed as she walked out of her apartment. 

She would rather have it easy and either love him or forget him completely. Anna still did not believe Caleb's words, but she could not bring herself to do anything but keep her mate's gifts. People only change for themselves, never for other people, she thought as she got in her car. But maybe after everything is  said and done, there will be some good memories among the pain.

Caleb was waiting for her when she arrived to school. He smiled brightly and waved when he saw her. 

"Hello, Mr. King. No lady friend today?" Anna snickered as she walked by him. 

He caught up to her and matched her pace. "You hurt my feelings, Anna." He gripped his shirt above his chest dramatically. 

"Yeah, right." She giggled as she walked through the doors. 

"See you soon," said Caleb as he went to his locker. 

In class, Caleb kept staring at her as usual, nevertheless she had other things to worry about. She was introducing limits. The topic is not difficult to understand once you get a grip of it but can be challenging at first. There was no class activity for that day.

 When the bell signaled that the class was finally over, all the students rushed to the door. Anna sat on her chair and sighed. Caleb stayed behind and put a bottle of water on her desk, startling her. Anna glanced at her own bottle of water, which was empty now. 

"How do I know you did not poison it?" she asked signaling the bottle. 

"It is still sealed. When you said that there would not be class activity, I guessed you would need the extra water." He shrugged his shoulders. 

"Well, thank you then." She refused to meet his demanding eyes. 

"Good luck the rest of the day," he said and left the classroom. 

She sighed for a different reason now and opened the bottle of water and took a sip. 

By the time the day was over she was drained. She went to her car to find Caleb waiting for her, again. He walked up to her. 

"Anna, I wondered if you wanted to..." She put her extended hand in front of his face. "Not, now, Caleb. I am too tired and dealing with you is exhausting." 

He chuckled. "So I have been told." 

She lowered her hand and scowled. "Very nice. You sure know what a girl wants to hear." 

He took a step forward. "I am sorry, I did not mean to..." 

She got into her car without sparing him a second glance and left. He punched the air and kicked the floor as she sped off. Matt and Samuel got out of Matt's car and clapped at him. He frowned and got into the car.

When Anna arrived home she took off her uncomfortable clothes and slumped against her bed pulling her covers on her. "So relaxing," she said as she pulled out her phone from her purse. She realized that it was still off. As soon as she turned it on text messages came in. 


6:30 AM 'Have a good day beautiful.'

7:30 AM 'I still feel something is bothering you. Talk to me?'

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