Chapter 17: Beautiful Liar

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A/N: Read the edited version of this chapter. It's so much better and funnier and has many more details. Psst... It's in POV.

Song "Beautiful Liar," by Shakira and Beyonce.

Anna drove Kathlyn's car to her apartment. Kathe sat on the back in Matt's arms. She was not sobbing any longer and instead had fallen in a worrisome silence. They soon arrived at Anna's flat. 

Anna invited them in and they sat on her couch. She prepared chamomile tea for the siblings and sat across them on another sofa. Kathlyn was slumped staring at her teacup as if it held the secrets of the universe and her brother looked at her with worried eyes. 

Anna sighed deeply and began talking. "I guess I should begin with introductions, then," she said. The siblings shifted their attention to Anna, tilting their heads sideways. "Nice to meet you. I am Anna Amores, Beta of the Silver Fang Pack and Chief warrior." She extended her hand toward Matt who timidly shook it. She then moved to Kathlyn who took her hand in her trembling hands. 

Anna smiled warmly at them and gave them a moment to digest the news. The Silver Fang Pack may or may not be one of the strongest packs around. There was actually a tie between three packs for the title of the strongest pack. Caleb's pack, the Wild Moon Pack, had not even entered the race, though. 

"The reason I invited you two here is to ask you if you would like to train with me."  Anna tried to sound confident but she was actually a little nervous about their response. 

Kathe's jaw almost reached the floor and Matt shook his head in disbelief. 

"But we are omegas; That is impossible," said Matt. 

Anna smiled at him again. 

"Matt, do you know why my pack is one of the strongest out there?" 

He nodded vigorously. "Sure. The Alpha family is legendary. The Alpha is always calm and calculating. He never rushes into combat but when he does he hits his enemies before they can even react and ends the battles with quick deliberate blows. Also, his sister. She is extremely powerful... She is the Beta and..." His eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened in realization. He locked eyes with the grinning Anna in front of him. 

She scooted closer and supported her face on one of her hands. "Oh, is she?" She asked playfully. 

Matt blushed and looked anywhere but into Anna's eyes. She chuckled. 

"Are... you serious?" asked Kathlyn stuttering. 

Anna nodded. "So, going back to what I asked. The main reason because my pack is one of the strongest is that everyone trains. Even omegas train as much as their capacity allows them to. I worked personally with each werewolf at least once a month to track his or her progress. I want to train you two. If that is OK with you."

"I would be glad to do so!" said Kathlyn standing up from the couch with her fist pumped. "I do not want to ever feel defenseless against that good-for-nothing ever again!" 

Anna smiled and stood up to pull her into a hug. "Also, you and I are going out this weekend," Anna said as she broke the hug and looked at Kathlyn in the eye with a serious expression. "And you are going to have fun," she added. 

Matt cleared his throat. "With all due respect, Miss Amores. We cannot do any of that without the Alpha's permission." 

Anna smirked and walked toward Matt. "Could I borrow your cellphone for a moment, please?" 

Matt's eyebrows furrowed but he gave her his phone anyway. 

Anna dialed his number. The call was connected and the person on the side of the line began talking. 

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