Thoughts on Tony Stark (fixed)

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Tony Stark was an open book, being a celebrity, the media exposed all parts of him. For the most part, it was truthful. Everything the media had said about Stark was how he was as a human being.

Stark was loud, flamboyant and wasn't afraid to throw himself out to the world. He was not Clint Barton's type at all but Tony was more than that. Despite how he may seem, Stark would much rather stay home and experiment rather than attend parties.

The engineer enjoyed being in his laboratory testing new experiments. He enjoyed toying with a new suits of armour or fixing older ones. He enjoyed finding problems that were complicated and finding equally complicated solutions for them. Occasionally Stark would show his latest work to Clint. Every one of the times Tony always looked incredibly proud.

Many people assumed Tony Stark was selfish due to how wealthy he was. Stark was none of that. If anything, he was the most selfless person Barton knew. Ever since the Avengers were formed, everything Tony had done was for the team. He provided them with a home, clothing and food. No one in the Avengers had asked for his hospitality but he happily gave it away.

If any of the Avengers were sick or hurt Stark would worry the most. Even if he wasn't outwardly showing his worry, it was obvious. He'd always offer what he could to make everyone's lives just that tiny bit easier.

If Tony could, he'd give away all his wealth for the people he cared about.

Stark wouldn't admit it, but he'd rather live in a cardboard box with the people he cherished than live lavishly with nobody.

Stark was known as a playboy in the media but he could be loyal to the people he cared for. His loyalty was often used as an advantage. Many people he had a relationship either dated him for the money and fame. It was too often that Stark would catch his 'lover' with another person he had never met before.

Despite what people thought Stark had a lot of bottled feelings. His rough childhood with his father, Obediah Stane and an endless list of one night stands made him wary of trust. It took some time for him to fully open to Clint at the start of their relationship.

It was only when Tony felt truly comfortable that he opened to his partner. Clint didn't mind that Tony took the time to get settled, because if he had to be honest, he needed that time too.

One thing that Clint had noticed was how patient Tony was with most things. Stark could sit in his lab for three days straight just to wait for results. However, if it came down to personal wants such as food, Stark was more impatient than a five-year-old.

These days Stark would whine if Barton didn't pay enough attention to him.

"Clinton!" Stark whimpered as he shook the other man. Clint Barton let out a deep sigh.

"Yes?" Barton answered as he turned off the television.

"I'm bored, pay attention to me."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Anything!" Stark continued to whine, Barton smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Anything?" Clint's tone of voice changed, Stark frowned and wondered what his lover was thinking. "Don't say you didn't ask for this."

Being a genius Tony Stark was incredibly smart, there's been a couple of times where he discovered new elements without knowing. But Stark was also proficient in other skills such as languages.

Tony knew about twelve languages fluently and could make simple conversation with another five. There's been times where Barton and Stark had exchanged words in different languages. Stark could curse in a different language and Clint would continue dialogue in that specific language.

If he had to be honest with himself, Clint never thought he'd be 'good enough' for Stark. From a glance Tony Stark seemed to want everything extravagant. He was quite the opposite, Tony liked things simple.

It was evident in the way he lived which was quite minimalistic. His daily life was normally hectic and full of events, he wanted to come home to simplicity. Clint tried his best to give him that.

But that didn't stop him from wanting to buy the most expensive things on Earth.

"I want that car." Stark muttered as they stopped by a car dealership. Barton narrowed his eyes and stared at the price in disbelief.

"That's a lot of money" Barton noted and made sure he was reading correctly. "I've never seen that many zeroes on an item before."

"I want it." Tony mumbled as if he were in a trance. "I have a lot of money."

"I know you do but do you really want that car? You have ten sitting at home." Clint confirmed, Tony took a hold of Barton's face.

"I want it." Stark stated and stared deep into the man's eyes. Barton swallowed nervously and nodded.

Tony Stark also loved children. He loved how adorable and innocent they were (this being one of the main reasons they would soon have Ezra). He loved conversing and playing with them, seeing a child smile, made him smile. Don't get him wrong, he hates it when kids are crying and being brats but when they're not, he adores them.

Most of the charity work he did was to save children in hospitals.

At the end of the day, Clint saw Stark as a person he could spend the rest of his life with. Tony was entertaining but could also be there in your times of need. He was kind-hearted and always showed his affection when he could. Barton was just grateful that out of everyone, Tony settled with somebody like him.

Somebody who hoped that he'll continue to make Tony Stark happy until the end. 

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