Androids + Investigations [D:BH CROSSOVER]

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AN: This chapter is for nobody but myself because I think these two fandoms would be a good fit. Please patiently wait for the next chapter if you have no clue what's going on.

Also ayo, this chapter is super long and boring. I'd save you the time and not read it xDD

Third Person's POV

I'm going to be in Detroit for two weeks and I'm taking the kid with me. P.S don't burn the house down, love you babe.

Clint Barton blinked as he took the sticky note off the fridge. His eyes quickly skimmed the note before he threw it into the bin without much thought. He had just arrived home from a month-long mission issued by SHIELD. He wondered what his husband was doing in Detroit and reminded himself to phone the man later.

For now, he could at least enjoy the quiet and peaceful household.


"You know Stark, with the energy from your arc reactor my androids could be self-sustaining. No need for them to go into stasis anymore." Elijah Kamski thought out loud as the two ate dinner with one another.

"I thought you resigned from Cyberlife." Tony Stark grinned but fascinated by the idea none the less. The two of them had been friends for a long while. It was one thing researching with Bruce Banner but another thing experimenting with a man who also worked with technology.

"Doesn't stop me from planning and making androids." Kamski shrugged it off as he finished his plate. "The little one looks bored out of his mind." The genius gestured towards the child that sat beside Stark.

Ezra was quietly playing a game on Tony's phone. The brunette just smiled softly and patted the boy's hair. "Trust me when I say he's not much on showing facial expressions."

Then the doorbell rang. Kamski's assistant android Chloe went to answer the door.

"I believe Connor is here." Elijah acknowledged as he picked up his glass of water. "Unfortunately Cyberlife's most advanced model is a little preoccupied at the moment; but I'm sure his predecessor will prove just as interesting to you."

Stark stood on his feet as he saw the detective android walk into the room. The engineer's eyes glistened with anticipation as Connor introduced himself.

"Mr. Stark, it's a pleasure to meet you." Connor spoke in a warm tone. Tony would never be able to discern that he was an android if it weren't for the LED flickering blue every so often.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice Connor. I do hope I wasn't disturbing your work." Kamski apologized as he walked towards them.

"Not at all." Connor hummed. He had to admit, considering his last meeting with Kamski had gone...awry, he was hesitant on agreeing to this meeting.

"This is amazing." Stark walked around Connor as he inspected the android from head to toe. "So you really work as a detective?"

"Well not a detective per se, but I do assist police officers and detectives with their cases." Connor's LED flickered a quick yellow, a little surprised at the engineer's interest and admiration of androids. "I must say your work on renewable energy has changed the world."

"Yeah but you're a lot cooler." Tony complimented. Once again Connor's LED flickered yellow; taken back at how quickly Stark brushed off his ground-breaking work. "Say can I come see you work? I've already contacted your Captain and he gave me the all clear. It would be kick-ass to watch an android detective work."

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