you guys ask a lot of questions

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AN: sorry I disappeared !! ive been dealing w writers block a little :( but hey im here and the kids are back for this one !!

Third Person's POV

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"What is?"

Jason leaned in a little closer towards his brother as they sat across one another from the dining table. Ezra blinked and wondered what all this discrepancy was about.

"That our parents are married."

Ezra's eyebrows furrowed together, and he immediately pulled away, "You can't just go around saying things like that."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing." Jason raised his arms in defence. "I think they're great together, seeing them be all gooey and loving is prime example of that. It's just ... weird."

The older sibling's eyes wavered towards their father who sat on the living room sofa reading a book to himself. It seemed the man hadn't caught wind about their discussion quite yet.

"What about it is weird?"

"Our father is a world-class celebrity and to be frank our Dad is just a regular dude." Jason explained with a slight shrug, "So my question is why on Earth would they ever get married?"

"Why don't you just ask our parents if you're so curious."

"I tried asking Pa once, all he said was because your Dad is a nice man." The younger brother mocked their parent's tone and Ezra couldn't help but laugh a little. "I'm going to find out and you're going to help me."

"Woah woah woah, who said anything about me helping you?" Ezra raised an eyebrow and straightened himself up, "This sounds like your own endeavour."

"Aren't you curious though?"

"I am but it's not-"

"What are you two boys talking about?" Their father called out from the living room and they turned their attention towards him.

Tony threw his book aside and decided to approach his children to find out what they were murmuring about. They shared a nervous glance before drawing their attention back towards their parent.

"Nothing in particular." Jason leaned back in his chair, not coming off very convincing.

Their father chuckled softly, "It doesn't sound like nothing besides I've raised you two for long enough to know when you're hiding something."

"Jason's just talking about you."

The younger boy glared at his brother, feeling nothing but utter betrayal that he had just gotten snitched on.

"Oh?" Tony tilted his head slightly and his hand moved to rest on his son's head. "Talking smack about me even when I'm in the same room? You've gotten so brave."

"I wasn't! I swear." Jason's cheeks turned a soft tinge of pink.

Their father continued to smile, "So what were you talking about?"

Jason took one last glance at his brother before he said, well fuck it, I may as well.

"Why'd you marry Dad? It just seems kinda weird."

The man paused as he registered the question before he laughed, "Why? Do you not like your Dad?"

"It's nothing like that, it's just ... how did you two of all people end up together?"

Tony then glanced over at Ezra who seemed to be avidly avoiding eye contact.

"Do you agree with your younger brother?"

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