Abuse - 1

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AN: Imao if you guys ever wanted to see anything with these two, tell me and I'll happily write it.

"Clint, c'mere" Stark whispered, the blonde tilted his head but shifted closer towards the other person on the bench. "I-is it alright if I try something?" Clint Barton just nodded nervously and watched as the other man touched his face.

His thumb ran down Barton's cheek and down to his lips. Clint stayed still as the other man continued to caress him. Stark moved closer just until their lips brushed each other, the blonde blushed. Their foreheads touched and the two stared longingly into each other's eyes. Tony's thumb continued to stroke the younger man's cheek.

The blonde moved to try and kiss the other man but Tony quickly pulled back. Stark's index finger pressed against Barton's lips.

"No." Stark whispered and stared into the blue eyes that seemed to sparkle like diamonds. "I don't want our first date to end with a kiss."

"What do you want to do then?" Barton also kept his voice quiet, Tony just smiled and placed his palm on the back of the other man's head. Stark pulled the other man closer once again and they pressed their foreheads against each other once again.

"How about we just sit here? Talk? Look at the stars? And once we're done, we'll both go home. No sex and no kisses. We'll both go home and we'll think about tonight, think about if this is what we want." Stark muttered as their lips brushed again. The blonde smiled and managed a nod.


"Tony! Are you alright?" Barton panicked as he laid his eyes on Stark. Tony just smiled and nodded sheepishly. The blonde placed his hand under Stark's chin and lifted his face up. There were bruises on the engineer's face and down his body. Clint's eyes fluttered at the sight of his friend in this state.

"I just messed up in the lab." Stark muttered and pulled away. He brought his arm closer towards his body that was heavily injured. The blonde swallowed nervously and tried to reach out for his friend once again. Tony moved away almost instinctively. "I'm fine." He stated, then turned and ran away. Barton stood there, speechless.

He bit his lip and clenched his fists by his side, he knew that Stark was lying. Injuries like those could not have been a result of laboratory experiments.

One week later Stark was nowhere to be seen in the Avengers tower. Barton was anxious once again and knew nothing positive was happening down on Stark's end. He asked JARVIS where Stark was and the AI replied with:

"Mr Stark is at his partner's house sir."

Barton frowned as he didn't realise that Stark had a significant other. He knew he shouldn't intrude but he had a sinking feeling. He asked the AI where the address was and quickly made his way over. He jumped on his motorbike and sped down the late-night streets of New York.

Seven minutes later he reached the apartment. He ran to the top floor where the room resided and gasped as he heard shouts. He slammed the door open and saw a man tower over Tony Stark with a knife.

Stark was on his hands and knees, his eyes red from his tears. He looked terrified and his physical state was shocking. There were cuts and bruises tattooed on his body with blood splattered along the floor.

"Who the hell are you?" The man growled and marched towards Barton. Clint narrowed his eyes and knew if he was just a regular man then this would be an easy fight.

Suddenly the knife was thrown towards his head, Barton barely managed to move out of the way. As he turned back the man was in the midst of throwing a punch. The blonde caught the attack and retaliated but somehow the man expected that and hit right back.

The stranger threw a kick and watched as Barton stumbled back, then jumped and threw a punch. Clint swerved out of the way and nailed an elbow down the man's back.

No normal person should be able to keep up with an assassin's attacks. Barton wondered who the hell this man could be.

"You can fight. Interesting." The man remarked, Clint's eyes darted towards Stark who still looked shaken. His opponent pulled a combat blade from behind his belt and twirled it around his hand. He swiped at Barton once again, the blonde continued to dodge with each swipe.

Clint caught his arm once again but the man dropped the blade into his other hand and swiped it at Barton's stomach. He managed to cut the blonde's shirt.

The assassin just needed time. Time to analyse the man's fight patterns to match a fighting style that would ultimately beat his opponent. He took a couple more hits before he eventually attacked back. In a matter of seconds Barton had the combat knife and pinned the man against the ground.

"Just who are you?" Clint Barton panted as he raised the knife, his opponent forced out a laugh before he spat blood out.

"You're talented, your analysing skills are impeccable." The man complimented him, Barton punched him and the blade in his hand cut the man's cheek. "You're not entirely useless unlike Stark."

"Shut up." Barton snarled and raised the blade once again, "How dare you treat him like some sort of object." As the blonde was about to ultimately end the man's life, somebody caught his arm.

He turned back and his eyes widened, it was Tony.

"Don't hurt him! Clint, please! He's done nothing wrong." Stark pleaded, Barton frowned and wondered why he was defending his abusive partner. Suddenly his opponent slammed his knee against the blonde's ribs and kicked him away.

Barton winced but before he managed to stand the man connected his leg against the blonde's head.

"Damian stop! You're going to kill him!" Tony begged, the man turned and growled at Stark. He hit the engineer and watched as Stark landed on the ground. Tony whimpered and slowly backed away.

"Is that the son of a bitch that's gotten your attention so much lately?" Damian scowled and picked Tony up by the scruff of his shirt. He slammed Stark against the wall and Tony couldn't help but gasp in pain. "I'm going to end him first, then I'll deal with you." He let go of Stark's lapels and walked towards Barton.

Clint sucked his breath as the man's fist made contact with the ground, the blonde had just managed to move out of the way.

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye am I correct?" The man smirked and wrapped his hand around Barton's neck. The blonde winced as his oxygen was cut off. "Triple digit kills, talented in hand to hand combat and is none other than SHIELD's best tactician."

Barton wondered how the man knew of that information. "You seem to know me so well, so why don't I get to know you better?" He somehow managed to choke out. The other man chuckled.

"Damian Graves, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm just a mercenary, nothing special about me." Graves continued to smile, then threw Barton across the room. The blonde's back hit against a wall and he landed on the ground with a thud. "I must say, you would have had me if Stark didn't distract you."

"W-what you're doing to him-" Barton could barely finish his sentence as another harsh kick to the head silenced him. The blonde fell unconscious and Stark gasped.

"He's not dead if that's what's going through your head." Graves sneered and slowly walked over. His footsteps made loud thuds as he crept over. Tony swallowed nervously and pressed his back against the wall. "Now Tony, you're going to apologise for what you've been doing."

AN: Guess you'll have to wait next chapter ;) 

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