Who's Going To Stop Me? [dystopia AU 3/???]

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AN: hello yes I am alive ! sorry for disappearing for a hot minute, anyway have more of that dystopia AU.

Third Person's POV

"You doing okay Stark?"

He turned his head towards the man approaching him and put a smile on his face.

"Why do you ask?"

They chuckled and met his eyes briefly, "you've been staring off into space for the past 5 minutes."

He shook his head briefly and shifted his stance, "sorry, I think I was just deep in thought."

"About what? Barton?"

He immediately turned his head and playfully shoved the other man away. They laughed at him and stumbled backwards slightly. He could feel the heat rise to his face and he found himself avoiding eye contact.

"I tell you that I may have feelings for him and you absolutely clown me for it Rogers."

Steve wiped a tear from his eye as he steadied himself, "it's not that I think your infatuation with him is stupid, I think it's just cute that Tony Stark has feelings for somebody."

"Yeah well it's not like I can turn these feelings off." He muttered as he ran his hand through his hair, "I can't even say where they came from either."

His friend hummed, "well that's the thing about feelings, they hit you when you least expect it."


He moaned softly as he finally awakened from falling unconscious. His vision was blurry, and the world seemed to be collapsing in on itself. A wave of vertigo hit him, and he felt his stomach churn. He was being moved around, he could tell that much. A moment later he realised he was being carried over somebody's shoulder.

He remained still as they continued to carry him to wherever the hell they were going. As his vision slowly but surely adjusted, he noticed it was Clint who was carrying him.

"Clint." He muttered weakly as he tried to rid of the dryness in his mouth, "tell me this is all a dream ... "

He received no response and decided not to waste his breath by further prodding.

They eventually reached their destination and he was placed on the ground. He tilted his head upwards weakly and watched as they left the room briefly, before returning with rope in hand. They crouched down beside him and proceeded to tie his hands behind his back.

"I know you're in there." He whispered as he leaned his head against the blonde's shoulder. "Fight whatever he did to you."

Once again Clint remained silent and completed the final knot. For a while Clint remained on the ground with him, but as he heard footsteps approaching, he pulled away. Tony let out a soft whine as the warm body separated from him.

"You're finally awake." An all too familiar voice spoke. He rolled his eyes and forced himself to look at the new presence in the room. "Any longer and I would have thrown a bucket of water over you."

"How charming of you." He grumbled and watched as they stepped closer towards him. "What do you want from me Rogers?"

Steve tilted his chin upwards and smiled at him, "you already know what I want from you."

A breath left his stomach, "what did you do to him?"

The other man narrowed his eyes at him then turned his gaze towards Clint who stood inches away from them. Clint stared at them both with absolutely nothing behind his eyes, it caused a shudder to run down Tony's spine.

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