I'm Supposed To Protect You (4/4)

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AN: this is really the final part y'all, thank you sm for all your lovely comments ! they make my day whenever I read them aahah, I'm glad y'all wanna collectively stab corrin.

Third Person's POV

He woke up to the warmth of his teammate's thigh and their jacket draped over his body. As he moved out of habit, pain shot through his upper body and it took everything for him not to scream.

"Don't move." Clint said in a soft tone that Tony hadn't ever heard before. The blonde's hand rested on Tony's forehead but their eyes were focused towards the door.

He wasn't sure how to explain it, but although Clint's expression was the same as always, there was something in his eyes. If he really had to pinpoint it, it was anger.

"Are you okay?"

Blue eyes met his, "I guess you could say I'm ready to get out of here."

"Do you have a plan?"

"I can't guarantee it working."

He breathed out and shut his eyes, "Better than sitting around waiting to be fucked with."

"With your shoulder injury I doubt it's going to work anyway." The man muttered and licked his lips, his saliva felt thick in his mouth.

Tony's hand reached out to touch the wound, realising that the knife was no longer there. If he had to be frankly honest, his memory grew hazy as he tried to recall what happened.

He remembered being stabbed, then he remembered Corrin pushing Clint-

Oh God, he swallowed and felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Did Clint actually-

"What actually happened? Everything's a blur." He managed to ask as he steadily sat up. His wound had been fastened using his tie, which he could only assume was Clint's doing.

The blonde smiled sadly, "You did lose a fair bit of blood, it's not a surprise you barely recall."

A dodge of the question, great, just what he needed right now. He let out another deep breath and stared at his friend again.

"Talk me through your plan ... I'll survive." He pushed and saw Clint tilt his head slightly.

"It really just involves taking out the guard by our door and finding a laptop to create a secure channel and contact the team." Barton muttered and stood on his feet. He then walked towards the tray where food once was. "The only problem is, I don't actually know how empty the hallways are. If there's only that guy by the door, great ... if not then what?"

"I don't know about you ... but I'd rather get accidentally killed in crossfire than have Corrin continue playing with us like we're toys." He scoffed, a smile lingering on his face. "If there's a chance we can get out of here ... let's take it."

Then Clint smashed the glass into a million pieces, picking out the largest shard. "Good, because I can't wait a second longer for somebody to come rescue us."

The blonde then shuffled towards the door and slammed it with his boot, causing a painfully loud echo.

When there was no response, he kicked the door again. This time, a grumble came from the other side.

"If you don't stop making noises, I'm going to come in there and shoot you, I don't care how important you are."

Clint slammed the door one last time and moved aside when he heard the handle rattle. The minute the man stepped into the room; Clint immediately stabbed their neck with the glass shard in his hand.

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