What Do You Actually Like?

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AN: in which tony realises he knows nothing about the super mundane things surrounding his husband.

This one is super short btw !! I was just looking to update.

Third Person's POV

"Mr Barton, thank you so much for coming today, I'm sure the rest of the world misses seeing you as well."

Clint laughed a little, "God I hope so."

The interviewer then tapped the cue cards against her knees, "We'd actually like to play a game with you guys given you just got married, is that alright?"

"Of course!" Tony answered and watched as the cameras cut so that they could set up the studio.

The two were sat across one another on a table with a whiteboard and a marker each.

"We're just going to play a game of how well you two actually know one another. I'll read out some questions and give you two some time to write your answers." The interviewer explained briefly.

The two made eye contact and grinned at one another. They assumed after seven years of dating they'd know each other relatively well.

"First question, what's their favourite colour?"

A moment passed before the two turned their whiteboards around.

"Am I right?" Clint asked sheepishly as he glanced down at his own board. He wrote 'red' which was more of an educated guess if anything.

"Do you assume because I fly around in a red and gold suit that my favourite colour is red?" Tony laughed but conceded anyway, "It actually is though, so congrats babe."

"You wrote purple."

"Am I wrong?"

Clint raised an eyebrow, "Why do you think that its purple?"

"You're wearing purple converses right now." He laughed and pointed at the other man's shoes.

"Fine." The blonde sighed and the two proceeded to erase their boards.

"Okay, question two; what's their favourite meal?"

He tapped his pen against the board for a second and realised he had no fucking clue. Clint had never talked about what he liked to eat, just ate whatever was put in front of him with no complaints.

"Tony do you not know?" The interviewer asked from the side and his eyes flickered towards them.

"No which is weird right?" He tried and watched as Clint turned his whiteboard around.

"I put down sushi, I would have written a cheeseburger but that's not really a meal."

He couldn't help but smile as he admitted that the blonde was right.

"So what is your favourite meal?"

Clint shrugged, "I don't really have one."

Tony then turned towards the cameras, "How is this game fair if he doesn't enjoy anything?"

Come to think of it, Tony wasn't sure what Clint truly enjoyed. In their seven years the blonde had never expressed much of his interests. He wasn't even sure if Clint had any strong interests.

If the man wasn't working he was asleep, he ate and did whatever was given because frankly he didn't have the energy to choose or argue.

It made Tony upset if anything, he just wanted his husband to have some sort of individuality.

Later that night when they were curled up in bed Tony decided to press.

"So what do you actually like to eat?" He muttered as he hovered over his husband.

Clint blinked at him a little confused. "I thought I told you I don't really have a preference."

"C'mon you must like something."

The blonde chuckled and pushed Tony away, "I'm fine with anything Tony, if it tastes good I can't complain."

He puffed his cheeks with annoyance, "Okay what about a favourite movie?"

"I don't have one either."

"Favourite place to go?"

"As long as the weather's fine, I don't really care."

His eyebrows knitted against one another, "Favourite kind of coffee?"

"Anything that'll keep me awake."

"Oh c'mon!" He raised his voice a little and slumped down onto his bed face down.

Clint laughed and his hand reached out to stroke the man's hair. "This topic hasn't mattered for close to a decade, why now?"

"I can't help but feel selfish, that I might have been taking choice away from you."

The blonde cooed, "Don't think that, if anything you've helped me grow more confidence to find things I enjoy."

"I have?"

Clint hummed, "You've exposed me to anything and everything, pretty good way to find what I enjoy if you ask me."

"So, is there anything you actually like?"

A beat passed, "As long as I'm doing it with you, then anything makes me happy."

He propped his head up and met the other man's gaze. "You're such a suck up you know that?"

His husband raised an eyebrow, "Why can't you just take a compliment like a normal person?"

"Hey, you're the one that married me." He teased and poked his tongue out like a child.

Clint then tackled him down onto the bed and pressed a kiss against his forehead. "And that was the best decision I've ever made." 

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