Domestication (2/3)

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AN: I sorta really wanna continue that HYDRA (not really)/Superior Tony chapter??

Third Person's POV

"Do you know why animals were domesticated?"

A hand trailed down the back of his neck as the words were whispered in his ear. He decided to keep silent for now.

"To place it simply, it was for human use. Sometimes there are certain desirable traits that humans may want from animals."

He shifted uncomfortably as the hand crept underneath his shirt. There was a lump in his throat.

"It's amazing isn't it? How humans domesticated dogs from wolves? They tamed what were thought to be uncontrollable beasts."

He caught the arm that continued to run across his body. He felt the arm pull away then a figure loomed over him. He glanced up at the figure before he looked away.

"But I suppose sometimes... the feral instincts stay within dogs. That's why mutts get put down."

The hand now clamped over his face and forced eye contact. He could barely make-out the figure's eyes in the dark. The only source of light came from the moonlight that shone through the windows.

"I don't want to put you're such a pretty boy."

"I'm not a fucking dog you sick son of a bitch." He finally spoke with as much frustration as he could muster. A chuckle followed.

The hand on his face had started to caress his cheek. "You certainly act like one. I wouldn't be surprised if I had to collar you and tie you to a pole."

He would have punched the other man, but another hand suddenly wrapped around his wrist. "Let go of me."

"And what? Have you hit me?" The voice grinned. "You don't have the upper hand here or do I need to put you in your place yet again?"

"One of these days. You're going to fuck up or somebody is going to notice that something's not right."

There was a heavy sigh. "I've gone my entire life without anybody noticing anything astray. What makes you think that your case will be any different?"

"Maybe because we live in the same fucking building as literal superhumans."

"Yes but to them we're seeing each other now." The other man reminded. He gritted his teeth as he realised that the man made a valid point. "Just face it Barton. You're not getting out of this."

"Why?" He whispered as he glanced away once again. The other man raised an eyebrow. "Why me? All I wanted was to get away from you. I wouldn't have bothered you."

"Because you're fun." Tony Stark smirked and watched as fear laced the younger man's eyes. "Watching you suffer amuses me. There's something satisfying with watching an assassin crumble to nothing. Something satisfying about taming a monster."

"I'm the monster?" He hissed as he struggled underneath the other man's grasp. "You're the one keeping me against my will."

"You enjoy it don't you? Taking somebody's life?" Stark leaned down and spoke directly in his ear. "There's this thrill of watching their life drain out of their eyes."

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about." He swallowed and screwed his eyes shut when warm lips pressed against his neck.

The other man smiled, "People are so interesting when they're scared aren't they? They'll do things that they've never done before like beg for mercy."

"I'm not some fucking sadist. I do what I do because it's my job." He bit the inside of his cheek as the other man's hands crept underneath his shirt once again. Then harsh lips planted against his.

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