I'll Be Here

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AN: my dumbass realises I have never done anything set during the time of Iron Man 3, so here you go. Also I only remember the first quarter of the film so forgive me for massive plot inconsistencies.

Be warned this is close to 4k long.

Third Person's POV

"So, what's up with the Mandarin?" He asked as he tapped his fingers impatiently on the wooden table.

James took one look at him an shook his head, "It's classified."

He shifted closer like a child looking for a secret, "C'mon, who would I tell?"

His friend sighed and brought his glass to his lips before taking a quick sip, "Nine bombings, but public only knows about three."

He blinked as he registered the information, "Nine?" A beat passed, "You know if you're having a hard time I can help, I have new tech and I could-"

However before he could continue his friend cut him off.

"When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?"

And God did he hate that tone.

"Einstein slept three hours a year, look at what he did." He quipped and his friend shot him a look that meant they didn't appreciate the joke.

"Look people are worried about you, I'm worried about you."

He smiled sadly, "Don't come for me like that."

"I wasn't trying to be a dick." James smiled back and there was a pause. "Isn't Clint worried about you?"

He stared at his hands and played with his fingers, "Clint's- He's busy alright?"

"He's your husband."

He bit his lip and breathed out of his nose, "I know."

"And he's also Hawkeye."

"I know."

"So he does know what's going on with you."

He remained silent but met James' gaze for a moment. "He knows I haven't been sleeping."

"And he's not doing anything about it?" The tone in his friend's voice switched to disproval.

"Stop that." He whispered and buried his face in his hands. "I know you don't like him but he's not a monster."

"Then why isn't he giving a shit about your health?"

"Rhodes." He warned.

"It's a serious question Tony."

He clenched his fist and glanced up once again. "I told you, he's busy." He took a deep breath and his friend frowned, "Let's just talk about something else other than my husband, please?"

James eyed him from head to toe, you didn't need to be a genius to see that Tony was in distress.

"What's going on at home?" His friend said, his voice a little softer and kinder this time. "Are you two alright?"

He forced on a smile, "It'll work itself out, it's just-" A shaky breath left his mouth, "He's been busy at work, we just don't spend as much time as we used to I suppose."

"Have you talked to him about it?"

"Do you think we have time to talk about it?" He snapped lowly and he rubbed the nape of his neck. James blinked but nodded. "Sometimes he doesn't even come home."

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