2 AM Antics

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"You're still awake huh?" Clint Barton whispered as he glanced down into the crate. Soft fairy lights lit up the frame of the crib and lit up the child's face. "You know it's two am right?"

The child waved his hands which made the adult smile. Barton picked up a nearby plush and dangled it in front of the baby. His son reached out for the toy and gurgled with content as the blonde handed it to him.

"I don't know what your reason is but I can't sleep very well tonight." Barton continued to speak as if his child could console him. "At least your father is fast asleep, you've been tiring us out lately." Clint briefly glanced back at his partner who was on the bed unconscious. "But it's okay I still love you a lot. More than your father but don't tell him that."

The child clung onto the plush and continued to stare at his parent. Barton smiled and caressed his son's cheek with his finger. The child yawned and blinked.

"Can I be honest with you? I'm scared of being your Dad." Barton started as he watched his son's eyes closed slightly. "I'm worried I won't be good enough. My Dad wasn't a very good man and I don't want to end up like him." The blonde breathed out and watched as the boy slowly shut his eyes. "I hope I do right by you Ezra."

"You're so cute when you want to be." A voice spoke which made Barton flinch. He turned his head around and saw the figure on the bed shift. "The badass and mysterious Clint Barton has a soft side."

"Were you awake the whole time?" The blonde asked as he walked back towards the bed. He heard his partner chuckle softly.

"Maybe. Who knows." Tony Stark whispered and smiled when Barton climbed back to bed and pressed a kiss against the brunette's neck. "You're going to be an amazing Dad Clint, I don't doubt it."

"I hope so." Clint replied and pressed his face against the other man's neck. "You smell good."

Stark laughed, "What the hell does that mean?"

"I don't know you just do." Barton whispered and kissed the other man's tender skin once again. "Sorry if I woke you up."

"Don't be. I just want to make sure you sleep as well." Stark muttered and pressed himself against the other man's chest. "You really are adorable when you want to be." Tony could hear the blonde's heartrate rise. "A-Are you flustered?"

"No. You just sent a chill down my spine."

"So are you telling me if I turn on the lights, I won't see you blushing."


"So not only do you have a soft side but you also flush red when I call you cute and really mean it." Stark smiled and enjoyed his partner's warmth.

"Why are you like this?"

"You know you love me."

"I really don't" Barton said in a serious tone but he thought he made it evident he was joking. There was a moment of silence between them before Clint heard sniffling. His heart sank as he realised it was Stark. "Oh god I was joking, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it." He hugged the brunette and held him close. "I didn't mean for that to sound so harsh."

"So, you do love me?" Tony sniffled, Clint just smiled and held him tighter. "If I'm already sniffling imagine how your son is going to take it."

"I thought you could take the joke."

"Poor Ezra has such a horrible father."

"Okay that's enough."

"He'll grow without affection and without knowing what parental love is." Stark continued to mock and heard the other man sigh. "And you just told him you loved him more than me. He's going to be hurt."

"Okay you can shut up now." Barton smirked as he jabbed the man's side. Tony flinched at the sudden touch and inched back. The blonde hovered over the older man and kissed him on the lips. "How's that for a little affection?"  

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