Tell Me About It [dystopia AU 4/4]

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AN: final part of that dystopia au >:) thanks for being so patient w my update schedule.

Third Person's POV

"Is he really gone?"

Tony pursed his lips as he went to sit down next to his partner, studying them briefly. There was a look on their face that he couldn't decipher; frustration, grief and disappointment seemed to make up for most of it however.

His hand rubbed their back soothingly, "don't lose hope, I'm sure if we get him back we can reverse whatever HYDRA did to him."

"Don't give me that bullshit!" Clint hissed and hit his arm away. His eyes widened at the sudden hostility; they had never been so rough with him before. "You saw him out there, he took one look at us and tried to kill us with no hesitation."

He bit his lip, "he didn't have a choice, you know that."

"Even if we get him back what are the chances you'll be able to undo whatever they did to him?" The blonde bared his teeth and moved to stand on his feet. He watched as they turned their heels and walked the other way.

Deep down he knew it was just their defence mechanism, Clint was exactly the same those years ago when Natasha had died. The blonde didn't know how to properly vent his frustrations and usually took it out on the people around him. He knew they likely didn't mean it, but it still hurt nonetheless.

"Where are you going? This area is crawling with HYDRA agents."

"So what?"

He hopped back on his feet and chased after them, catching their arm. "Don't be a fucking idiot Clint, I get you're pissed off but so am I."

The blonde then struck him across the face, he gasped as he stumbled back and eventually hitting the floor. He dabbed his finger on his lip, only to realise that he was bleeding.

As his eyes glanced back up at the younger man he noticed just how much more shaken they looked.

"Tony I-" They trailed off and bit the inside of their mouth before dropping to their knees in front of him, "I didn't mean to hit you, oh god-"

He clenched his jaw as he watched Clint reach out towards him but stopping part way. The blonde shook his head and sniffled as he hit the ground lightly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Clint whispered, his head hanging low. "I know that's not a good reason but ... I just-"

He touched their face and watched as blue eyes snapped up to meet his gaze. He caressed their cheek with his thumb and smiled sadly at them. Clint's lips quivered and he knew it was taking everything for them not to break down right now.

He pulled his partner into a hug and let their head rest on his shoulder. Clint eventually started to sob as he was held. His hand stroked the back of their head, letting them release their pent-up frustration.

"I don't want to lose anyone else." Clint choked on his words and his grip tightened around Tony. "I don't want to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere."

They shook their head and snivelled, "you can't promise that, the world's crumbling on itself ... there's no way in hell you can promise that."

He let out a heavy breath and pressed his head against theirs, "that's why we have to stay together ... now more than ever."


He laid in bed throwing a tennis ball up and down in the air as he thought about simpler times. He must have been working for Steve for about five months now; surprisingly he hadn't received any plans for something that is obviously a weapon, but who's to say what HYDRA was doing with the work he's done.

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