I've Always Cared About You [Enhanced!AU]

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AN: I've always wanted to do another kid-centric chapter but as adults and in the enhanced!au, so here it is >:)

This is also super long !! so I'm sorry about that !!

Third Person's POV

'Holding the title for two consecutive years, Tony Stark better known as Iron Man holds the title as number one hero.'

He went through as many autographs as he could, shimmying through the fans and paparazzi to grab some fresh air. In his peripheral vision he saw other heroes being interviewed by the press.

With the overgrowing number of enhanced humans, more and more people attempted to climb their way to the top in order to become heroes. The title that once was seemingly limited to the Avengers had now become open to whoever may be worthy.

Heroes soon became celebrities and were ranked in terms of popularity and power. There was no harm in it, it was all public consensus rather than any real judgement.

It was a relief to say the least, with every growing day more and more people wanted to step up and seek justice. It lifted a lot of weight from the Avengers' shoulders; so much so that they had disbanded a while back.

They were still however recognised as the top six heroes; they didn't just give out 'Avenger' title to anybody.

"Don't you get tired of always winning?"

He turned his head when he heard somebody speak to him, immediately recognising them.

"Long time no see Barton ... and to answer your question, no I don't."

Clint couldn't help but smile, "it's been a while hasn't it?"

"Congrats on rising to number three." He patted his old friend on the back, "I'm sure it wasn't easy."

"Please." The blonde scoffed, "the rank's only gone up because I became the Director ... but thanks I suppose."

He smiled back and looped his arm around Clint's neck, "how about we get out of the paparazzi and grab lunch? I'll treat you."

"You've always bought me lunch; if anything, you buy everyone lunch."

The two had already begun to walk towards the exit, "what can I say? It's just my thing."

They caught up at one of his favourite cafes. It seemed that Clint had barely changed over these years ... not that he minded at all. The blonde was one of his closest friends when they worked with one another.

"Life's been pretty busy huh?" He asked as he stirred his coffee, Clint shot him a glance and hummed in agreement, "almost makes me want to be an Avenger again."

The younger man chuckled, "it's good the world isn't reliant on the Avengers anymore, our enhancements may not be as rare anymore but it takes a lot of stress of our backs."

He blinked and nodded. The Avengers were created with the hope that one day they would disband; it was the ultimate endgame and they had received the best outcome possible.

"Doesn't stop me from missing the team." He sighed and continued to play with his drink, "I don't even think they showed up at that ceremony."

Clint shook his head, "I'm afraid they were all preoccupied, I'm sure they would have come if they could."

"Then I'm suppose we're lucky we ran into each other."

The blonde eyed him slightly and turned away when his cheeks turned a soft tinge of pink, "I suppose so."

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