Names + Hearing Aids + Coffee?

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AN: Back to how they met??? I have so many renditions in my head to how these two could have met. How they interacted when they did. It's just agh! Also if you dudes ever wanted to request some IronHawk for me to write. Feel free.

Sorry if this is really long. But fluff!!

The first-time Tony Stark met Clint Barton was during a trip down to the SHIELD facilities. Barton was asleep, atop a ledge. He slept without a care for the world, cuddled up in thick blankets and his arm hanging off the ledge.

Tony Stark would have continued to walk past him if he heeded no attention. But an arm hanging off a ledge was slightly more than alarming. He paused and glanced up. There wasn't much he could see than an arm and a tuff of blonde hair.

"Is that a dead body that you stashed in the hopes that no one would notice?" Stark's voice was loud. It wasn't supposed to be loud but the room virtually had no one in it and his voice echoed. Nick Fury, the man who had walked with him also stopped. The darker toned man glanced up and saw Clint Barton shift.

Stark watched as a pair of blue eyes met his. The blue eyes quickly turned his attention away. He snuggled under the blankets once more and slept.

"Oh it's alive" Stark mumbled, then examined the nearby area. "How does he even get up there? Or get that down for that matter"

"How about we move along?" Fury suggested as he turned and continued to walk. Tony hesitated but followed.

"Does he have some sort of superpowers?"



"Classified" Was all Nick Fury said ending the topic of Clint Barton.


The next time he met Clint Barton was a year, two months and twelve days later. The familiar blonde had been assigned to him as a body guard.

"We have reason to suspect someone may come after you tonight Stark. So Agent Barton here is going to be assigned to you. He's also there to make sure you don't make a complete idiot for yourself" Fury quickly explained. Out of the corner of Stark's eye he saw the blonde smile to himself.

"Aren't you the guy that was sleeping? On a ledge like some sort of cat. Also do I really need a body guard?" Stark casually brought it up. Come to think of it, this SHIELD facility had a lot of ledges. There were all sorts of ways for someone to get up high to a vantage point.

'Were they designed for him?' Was all Tony could think of.

"Correct me if I'm wrong Stark but are you really going to bring your suit to a ball?" Fury mused as he raised an eyebrow.

"That could be arranged" Stark shot the remark straight back at him. The blonde smirked this time. If Stark had to be honest. Nothing about the man seemed like he could defend Stark from a threat at all.

Happy seemed like he could do a better job than Barton. The blonde seemed more aloof than concentrated. As if he was always thinking about something completely unrelated. He didn't seem visibly muscular either. Sure, he had a well-toned body but nothing 'body guard' worthy. He hardly looked intimidating either.

"You're taking him with you. End of conversation" Fury boomed before he forced the both out of his office.

Clint Barton stood around as if he waited for orders. He looked at Stark for them.

"So as of further notice you work for me now?" Tony asked, the blonde gave a simple nod. "And you'll do everything asked of you?" Another nod. "Can you speak? Like at all?"

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