Drive Throughs [Soft NSFW]

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AN: Warning? I think there could quite possibly soft NSFW. If you guys aren't into this stuff either just wait for next one or tell me. But it is SOFT, so like there's nothing explicit mentioned its just implied. 

"Do you think the kid's alright?" Clint Barton asked as he gripped the steering wheel, waiting for the red light to turn green. His husband sat beside him and stared out the window. They had gone for a night out to themselves.

"Kid's probably asleep." Tony Stark mumbled as his eyes glanced towards the clock in the sports car. Barton smiled at the thought of their child at home, then pressed his foot on the gas as the light changed. The engines of the car echoed down the seemingly empty road.

Tony had always hated the noise from the engines, it was loud and unnecessary. He understood it was a way to show that the engines are stronger and built for more, but it was awfully annoying. He had installed a muffler in most of the luxurious cars he owned, but this car in general belonged to his husband.

It was a birthday gift from a couple of years ago. Clint Barton came home to a quiet household, only to be surprised by his husband (boyfriend at the time) with an expensive sports car waiting in the garage.

Barton wasn't the type of man to be interested in cars. He can appreciate a nice-looking car but he wasn't the type to get into the fine details. Tony Stark handed him the keys to a brand-new BMW. It was a concept car that Stark had brought to life. There was only one of these cars in the word, many major producers had wanted access to the plans on how the car was built.

The only blueprints of the car resided on the bottom of a box in Stark's messy workshop. Last Tony heard the price of car had increased heavily on the market.

Despite being loud, Clint Barton had never installed mufflers. 1. Because he was never home in the first place to even have a chance to drive a car. 2. As mentioned beforehand, he knew nothing about cars.

Stark made a mental note to install a muffler later at home.

"It's ten o'clock" Barton noted as he continued to drive, he felt peckish. He thought about what he could eat that was close-by.

"He's a five-year-old kid. Half the time he sleeps at eight." Stark smirked and watched as an incoming text came through his phone. It was from Miss Pepper Potts regarding his company's stock markets. He read through it briefly and shut his phone off.

"Last time we weren't home, he refused to go to bed until we came back." Barton said and saw a fast food chain in the distance. McDonalds...perfect. "Also, I want McDonalds."

"I want to go home" Stark whined like a child, "You already ate."

"I ate two hours ago and it's not like McDonalds is going to take half an hour to serve me. We'll go through the drive through." Barton said, then Tony placed his hand on the blonde's lap. Clint shot him a quick look before turning his attention back onto the road.

"I don't want to go home because I'm tired." Tony muttered, then spoke louder. "I want to go home for other reasons." Barton frowned at the statement and it took him a couple of moments to register what Stark meant.

"O-oh?" Barton flustered as he pulled into the carpark of McDonalds. Stark moved his hand up towards the other man's belt. "Tony, I'm driving. About to go order food, in front of people." At this point it didn't seem like the genius cared.

He undid the belt and tugged against the other man's crotch. Clint continued to fluster which Tony enjoyed wholeheartedly.

"Go and order. I'm sure I won't be much of a distraction." Stark purred, undoing his seatbelt. Barton debated whether to go order food. But he went with it and drove in. There was a worker waiting for him to make an order.

"Could I just get-fuck!" Barton suddenly sucked his breath, the employee looked at him strangely. It was awfully dark and the car windows were tinted. Even if the worker could see Barton, they clearly could not see Stark.

Clint took a deep breath and tried concentrating on his order rather than his husband who was invested in other activities.

"S-sorry." The blonde apologised and made his order without further distractions. As the food came, Clint went and parked the car. "Did you have to do that as I was ordering?" Stark smirked as he sat up and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"I didn't do anything wrong." Tony continued to grin, Barton rolled his eyes and undid his seatbelt. He clambered over Stark and pushed the car seat back. "Oh, now you want to play." The blonde pressed a hard kiss against the engineer's mouth.

It felt like centuries since the two last shared an intimate moment. Barton was always away on work and came home for short periods of time.

"I'm going to make this quick because I don't want the food to get cold." Clint mumbled. "And if you make a mess you can clean it...with your tongue." Tony shuddered at the tone the other man used. "Leather seats are a bitch to clean."

"There's not a lot of room in this car." Stark said as he unbuttoned Barton's shirt. Clint kissed him again, he wanted to stop the talking. "That's not going to stop you, is it?" Clint shook his head and shut Stark up for the next twenty minutes.

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