Fancy Seeing You Here Baby Brother [Pokemon AU]

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AN: yo I can't believe I've never written a Pokémon crossover chapter before ! It was such a massive part of my childhood and I binged played SHSW on the Switch ! I'm sorry for those that aren't familiar with it but I'm sure if y'all have seen Detective Pikachu you kinda have a vague idea hAHAHA

Basic pretence is the Avengers are Gym Leaders but you know ... they also still saved the world and heck !! but each of them has 1 legendary pokemon >:D and 3 ' partner ' Pokemon.

I'm also probably gonna do multiple parts of this AU but like sprinkled in every couple of chapters like I do with my other AUs!

Also have a comic I sketched of tony and clint uwu

Third Person's POV

"I'm going to be a Pokémon trainer!"

Tony chuckled softly at the sudden announcement his son made on a quiet Sunday morning. He crouched down to level with the boy and patted his head. His son had always been fond of Pokémon, but this would be the first time that he's been vocal about actually being a trainer.

"Yeah? Are you going to be the strongest?"

Ezra nodded eagerly and his eyes sparkled with anticipation, "The strongest!"

"Well." He started and moved to rub the boy's arm, "To be a trainer you need your very own Pokémon kiddo."

His son hummed and pouted slightly, "But I can't have my own until I'm older."

"That's if you get one from the professor, but I'm sure your Dad can help you catch one for now." He assured and Ezra's eyes widened so much so that he couldn't help but smile, "Maybe you'll even get the chance to battle in your Dad's gym one day."

"I'm going to beat Dad and be an even stronger trainer than he was!"

Although Clint was the gym leader of their city, he was also one of the last few gym leaders trainers needed to defeat in order to move through their journey. Factoring that in along with literal Avengers being the gym leaders of this nation, it was difficult for most trainers to even make it past the third gym leader.

This meant that Clint could focus on his day job which was running SHIELD which in of itself was already hectic enough. It was a surprise that the man managed to juggle both and still be sane.

Tony on the other hand was more or less in the same boat, but rather than a gym leader he was one of the Elite Four that trainers could battle after they had surpassed the gym challenge. He wasn't sure how he ever got to be appointed to be one, but he was thankful it wasn't horribly busy given the low number of trainers.

Meaning much like his husband, he could focus on his day job at his company.

"I'm going to beat you too! Just you wait." Ezra grounded, "Then I'm going to help save people like you and Dad."

His smile lingered and he pressed a kiss against the boy's head, "I'll be looking forward to those days. Your Dad and I will be supporting you every step of the way."


"Can you move?"

The woman shook her head and continued to tremble. He crouched down beside her and briefly studied the severity of the wound on her leg. It was broken he could tell that much, into how many pieces however was a whole different question.

He found a ripped piece of cloth nearby and used it to make a tourniquet to help stabilise the bleeding.

"A backup team is coming; I just need you to stay calm okay? I'm going to look for other trapped civilians." He assured in a soft tone and watched as the woman gave him a shaky nod. He smiled wearily and moved to stand once again.

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