clint trying to be a good husband/father for nearly 2k words [enhanced!!]

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AN: tbh I just thought, I wanna do soft, but also the kids haven't been around but also enhanced !! so I mashed all three !!

sorry ive been gone for a hot minute 

Third Person's POV

Anybody could tell that Clint Barton wasn't fantastic with kids; heck, he wasn't great with human beings in general, but it was more obvious with children.

That wasn't to say that he was horrible around them, no, he just found it awkward to be around them. He wasn't sure what to do with them, he didn't understand them and they definitely didn't understand him.

Then one day his husband had decided that he wanted a child.

"Clint I want a kid!" Tony came up towards him with such intent that he wasn't sure how to respond. "I know we're more than ready to handle one."

"You know I'm always working, is throwing a kid into the mix such a good idea?"

"I mean no one says you have to be physically present all the time." The brunette pouted and kicked the ground, "Enough for the kid to at least understand that you have a busy schedule."

To this day Clint wasn't sure how Tony actually acquired said child, but he was called home one day to greet the new addition to the family. He wasn't sure how to feel; he had butterflies in his stomach which was a rare occurrence, but for an odd reason he felt nervous meeting something that probably couldn't even comprehend the idea of speaking.

"Oh! You're home." His husband greeted him when he stopped at the door to the nursery. "Come meet your son."

He walked towards the crib to find a sleeping baby wrapped up in thick blankets. The sight was adorable to say the least.

"Have you named him?" He asked as he turned his head towards Tony who was already leaning against the frame of the crib. His husband had such a soft smile on his face, it was nothing but pure adoration for their son. The sight of it made him smile.

"I was actually waiting on you."

"Oh?" He mused and blinked, "I haven't really thought about this at all."

"We have time, it's not like he's understanding his name anytime soon." Tony chuckled as his eyes wandered towards Clint, "I'm sure that pretty face of yours can think of something."

He wallowed in his thoughts for a moment, still quite unsure what name would suit his son.

"How about Ezra?" He finally tried with a satisfied hum. His partner's eyes glanced upwards as he mulled over the name as well.

"Ezra Stark." Tony said it aloud and crossed his arms across his body. "It has a nice ring to it, what made you think of the name?"

"It just came to mind." He smiled absently, not wanting to admit that it was a name of a target he chased down few years back. His body then moved to be closer with his partner and wrapped his arms around Tony's waist. "I have no clue how to operate this thing, I hope you know that."

Hus husband chuckled and rested his hand atop of Clint's, "I know you'll at least try your best."


"Hey I'm home!" He called out into the household as he placed the keys on a table by the door. He slipped off his boots and held onto his messenger bag as he ventured further into the household.

He had been away from home for about two months to do a recon mission overseas, it went surprisingly well and lead to an early departure.

"Clint?" He heard his husband's familiar voice from the kitchen. He headed towards the sound of the voice and was immediately greeted with the other man jumping into his arms. He managed to catch the man and laughed a little as he pulled his husband into a tight hug. "I wasn't aware I had two kids now."

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