We'll Get Out Of Here ... Right? (3/???) [softer nsfw]

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AN: I think this is the last part of this short series !! thanks for sticking by it.

Third Person's POV

It had been a quiet few hours. The blonde was now currently resting on Tony's lap, his chest rising and falling at a steady rate. It was a comforting sight and he was relieved that his friend was resting after what they had done to him.

His hand rested on Clint's head and with every noise that peaked, he'd glance straight towards the door. He wasn't sure how much more he could take mentally if they came through those doors again. Not even a day had passed, and he was sure he was about to go insane from being kept in here.

Then he felt Clint shift on his lap. He stared at the younger man and watched as their eyes slowly peeled open.

"Hey." He murmured and watched as the blonde sat up with a groan. "You doing alright?"

"Fine as I can be." Clint whispered and buried his face in his hands. "Just sore and not in the nice way."

He smiled sadly and moved to a kneeling position. "Are you sure?"

The other man spared him a quick glance, "What do you want me to say?" Their voice dropped, "That I just let them use my fucking body like it meant nothing?"

"N-No." He stuttered, realising the intention behind his words may have been deviated. "I just ... I know what it's like for people to-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence.

Clint sighed through his nose and turned his body to face Tony once again. "I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to snap at you like that, today's just been rough."

He scoffed, "That's an underestimation."

The blonde managed a slight smile, "Why don't we just use this quietness to get some rest for now? We both could probably use it."

"I'm fine honestly, I don't think I can sleep ... my mind's just everywhere." He muttered and leaned his head back against the pillar behind him as he moved to a more relaxed sitting position. His eyes then wavered towards Clint, "But you should rest."

"I just woke up."

"You had like two hours of sleep, c'mon, I know you're tired." He urged with a slight smile, "If it's too embarrassing you don't have to sleep on my lap."

The younger man rolled his eyes but moved back closer to Tony's side anyway. They then settled down beside him, their shoulders touching. Tony inched forward a little to grab Clint's jacket and draped it over the blonde.

"You're not cold?" Clint muttered, his eyes moving to side eye his friend.

"I'm in a tailored three-piece suit, I'm fine." He assured and loosened his tie slightly. His breath hitched when he suddenly felt the other man's head rest on his shoulder. He didn't think that Clint would trust him enough to lean on him like this. "You okay?"

Clint yawned and tears pricked his eyes, "You're surprisingly comfy to lie on Stark."

He scoffed, "Thanks?"

The blonde's eyes started to shut once again, "Remind me to never work on your behalf again."

"I'll leave a memo with Fury the next time I see him." With that, silence lulled Clint to sleep and once again Tony was left to be conscious alone.

He wasn't sure how much time passed, but at one point a slot in the door opened and slid a tray of food in. It was just a piece of bread and a glass of water; it wasn't much but at least it was something. He'll move later whenever Barton was awake.

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