popular ship tropes but with these two

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AN: I wanted to write clint and tony with popular ship tropes so enjoy ! These are all from a post by @leecheedoodles on tumblr !

Third Person's POV


His eyes followed the blonde down the crowded hallways of the building. They carried their laptop in one hand and had earphones plugged in, occasionally bopping their head to the beat of whatever they were listening to. He was about to run after them, but somebody caught his arm.

"Hey Tony, the guys were wondering if you were free tonight." A girl from his class spoke to him. She wore an inappropriately short dress and a form hugging top. Her hand rested on his shoulder and it took everything for him not to step away. "We were thinking of hitting the clubs."

He turned around to face his locker to make himself seem busy. "That sounds great, but I have an assignment due tomorrow that I should really work on."

She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "Oh c'mon, you'll be fine."

He took out a folder from his locker before he shut it once again, smiling politely at her.

"I'm sorry, I just really need to do this." He shrugged, "Maybe another day."

With that he walked away and chased after the blonde. He managed to catch up as he saw them walk across the vast campus and back to the dorms. He touched their shoulder and watched as blue eyes turned around to meet his.

"Hey, are you done with classes today?" He made conversation as he panted for air, God he needed to work on his cardio.

They took one earphone out, "Did you just run to come talk to me?"

"And what if I did?" He shot the other boy a lop-sided grin.

Clint scoffed and licked his lips, "Why do you do this?"

The two continued to walk towards their shared room as they talked.

"Do what?"

"Talk to me like I'm your friend."

He blinked, "Because you are my friend."

The younger boy then stopped; Tony paused with him. Clint then jabbed his index finger softly against Tony's collarbone and smiled a little.

"We're not friends Stark, I've known you for a week and we just happen to be roommates." They clarified with a hard stare, "You don't have to pretend to like me, you're the popular kid, right? Why don't you talk to your actual friends?"

He took in the other boy's words before laughing a little. Clint's eyebrows furrowed together with shock from the response. His arm dropped as he waited for Tony to clarify what the hell was so funny.

"You know that tough guy schtick won't work on me right?" Tony smiled before he wrapped his arm around the blonde's shoulder. "I want to be your friend; I don't want to just be your roommate."

"But why?"

He shrugged, "You're fun and you look like you need a friend."

Clint glared at him, "Don't look at me like I'm some sort of charity case."

"I'm not ... but nobody likes feeling lonely Barton, especially not when you first start college." He pressed but then let go of the other boy, "But if you don't want to be friends with the popular kid then I'll respect your decision."

A beat passed and a sigh followed it, "We can be friends if that's what you want."

He grinned and met the blonde's gaze, "really?"

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