2 times Clint Barton was somewhat nice, 1 time he was alright. [NSFW]

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AN: Whoop I'm back, sorry I died for so long. Writer's block and life mostly.

Third Person's POV

"It's too cold for you to stay out here."

Tony Stark ignored the voice behind him as he continued to take long drags of his cigarette. He quit smoking years ago, but now seemed like a fitting time to roll back into his old habits. As the cigarette rested on his lips, his eyes were focused on the New York skyline.

The serenity of the hazy skyline as it snowed ever so softly calmed him down. The person behind him walked closer and stood behind Stark. They too admired the view of the city, surprisingly taken in by how captivating the city was.

"What do you want?" Tony whispered as he takes another long breath of the cigarette. His voice wasn't hostile, but it wasn't particularly kind either. If anything, he sounded tired.

"You've been gone for a substantially long amount of time, I asked JARVIS where you were."

"And he told you? Traitor." He said as if his AI could hear him.

"You know, smoking isn't particularly good for you either."

"Just shut the fuck up will you?" Stark huffed as he threw the butt of the cigarette onto the snow coated ground. He stepped on it to ensure that the embers dispersed. "Seriously though, what do you want?"

"Nothing in particular, checking on you simply aligns with my task."

"Hmm, is your mission the only thing important to you?" Stark muttered, he was tempted to take out another cigarette but refrained himself from doing so.

Ever since the events of New York, Clint Barton had been assigned to watch over Stark. It wasn't an official mission, just a task that Fury asked as a favour. The SHIELD agent owed his superior his life therefore he decided to fulfil the favour. Tony wasn't in any danger, but he was known to recklessly ignore his health. His job was simply to ensure that Stark doesn't destroy his own body.

"This isn't a mission." The blonde reminded him and watched as Stark slipped his hands into his pockets. "Come back inside, I know you're cold."

"Leave me alone." Stark spat, he felt the sting at the tips of his fingers but he refused to leave his spot. He could feel the heat rise to his cheeks in an attempt to warm him up. "If you want to be helpful, get me a coffee dipshit."

Tony probably wouldn't have been so frustrated if it wasn't for one thing; Barton was an asshole. No matter how sweet he seemed from the outside, he was nothing more than a condescending brat.

"If that is what you wish, but I can't get you one if you remain outside."

"Of course you can, you walk back inside and I lock the rooftop door."

"Then how will you get back into the building?"

"I'm not going to be questioned in my own household."

Then Stark felt something warm draped over his shoulders. His eyes fluttered as he realised it was the other man's jacket. The article of clothing rested comfortably on his shoulders and he almost instantaneously felt warmer.

It was a SHIELD issued jacket and it looked oversized on Stark but he didn't particularly care, he just cared about how warm it was.

"I'll leave you be." Barton said and walked back towards the door. The minute Tony heard the door click shut, he turned his head and stared at the metal door. His hand subconsciously gripped against the jacket.

Even if Barton was a massive asshole, this was a nice gesture on his part.

The brunette stood there on the roof for another ten minutes as he further collected his thoughts. The events of New York hadn't been particularly stress free on him, it almost seemed that the world was ungrateful for the Avengers. Nevertheless, he knew he had to keep moving forward no matter what anybody said.

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