I Love You Okay?

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AN: In which Clint feels really insecure about his relationship. ITS FLUFFY I PROMISE. I OWE A FLUFFY CHAPTER FOR YOU GUYS.

Third Person's POV

"So, I assume you're Mr Stark's husband?" A lady dressed in a formal blue dress asked. Clint Barton turned around and tapped his glass with his fingers.

"Yeah?" He replied sheepishly, she shot him a look full of judgement but smiled politely. The blonde frowned and gripped against his glass. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, just surprising Mr Stark's tastes have declined over the past years." She smiled condescendingly before she turned her back and walked away with no warning. Barton bit his lip and swallowed nervously.

Throughout this whole night, he's felt nothing but uneasiness. He started to doubt the sincerity of his relationship with his partner. He let out a deep sigh and finished his drink in one swallow, then moved towards the bar.

He's heard more than one negative remark tonight. Just about everybody either said something to him directly or whispered it loud enough for him to hear. He could handle their judgement but he couldn't handle the thought that maybe Stark deserved somebody better.

What could Clint do for him? He was an ordinary man and nothing stood up about him. He didn't know why Stark chose to date him, why Stark chose to care for him. Millions of doubts crept into him, doubts he never had because he always thought his relationship was a happy one.

He ordered another drink and simply drunk in silence.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there for, or how many drinks he's had but he knew he was drunk. Drunk beyond reasoning. Fortunately, when Barton was drunk it wasn't outwardly obvious. He mostly seemed like a sober person but his coordination and speech was slightly off.

However, he still hadn't lost in a contest relating to aiming, considering how much more considerably drunk he was.

He eventually stood up and looked for his partner. At this point he needed to leave. Somebody then took a hold of his arm. He turned his head around but his vision spun.

It was a man he did not recognise, the blonde tugged his arm away but the man kept a firm hold. He wasn't sure what the man was saying to him but he heard the word, 'pretty' before the rest blurred. His eyes widened slightly when the man pushed him against a wall. He was too disorientated to fight back, he was at the stranger's mercy.

Barton frowned when somebody grabbed the man's shoulder and yanked him back. It was Tony and the blonde had never felt more relieved.

Stark threw a punch, and there was a sudden uproar. Barton blinked and tried to grasp the situation. He flinched when Stark touched his face and smiled softly.

"Let's get out of here." Stark's voice was muddled and distant but Barton managed to understand what he was saying. He felt Tony's comforting hand intertwine with his and lead him out of the fancy ball room.

Stark lead him towards the car and made sure the blonde was fasted in the front seat. Barton narrowed his eyes as he tried to focus on his husband.

The brunette briefly glanced at him and smiled. Barton asked himself why the man protected him like that. Possibly stained his reputation just to save a man that wasn't all that special.

Did Tony want something from him?

He was too tired and disorientated to fully think about the answer to that question. As they got home, Stark brought him to their bedroom and pushed the blonde into the bed.

Barton tugged at Stark's lapels and watched as the brunette chuckled.

"No, we're not having sex. You need to get some rest." Stark whispered and watched as Barton whined. "I heard what they've been saying about you Clint." The blonde tilted his head slightly and tried his best to concentrate on the other man. "You don't ever need to prove yourself to me, you know that right? You're not my husband just because you're a good fuck."

Barton whimpered, he wasn't sure why but it just slipped. Tony laughed softly once again and pressed a kiss against the blonde's head.

"You're sweet, loyal and charming. You're everything I could ever ask for in a partner. Don't let these people make you doubt yourself. I love you okay?"

"Am I really drunk or did you punch somebody?" Barton's speech came out slurred, Stark smiled and brushed his thumb along Barton's cheek.

"Yeah, but by the time you wake up you'll be too hungover to remember."

"You really won't leave me?"

"I vowed to never do that." Stark kissed him on the lips this time. "I'll always stay by your side no matter what happens." 

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