Bath (NSFW)

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AN: Im sure theres a plot here somewhere.

"Tones! I'm back!" Clint Barton called out as he opened their bedroom door. He tugged off his jacket, threw it on the bed and let out a deep breath. He had just come home from a week-long mission and his body ached like hell.

"I'm in the bathroom!" He heard Tony Stark shout from the room next door. Barton opened the door, ignoring the concept the privacy and saw his partner in the bath. Stark's eyes darted towards the door and shot Barton a disapproving look. "Did they teach you anything about personal space at SHIELD?"

The blonde shrugged and shut the bathroom door behind him. He watched as Stark poked the bubbles that floated atop the water. The water was just clear enough that Barton could make out the outline of the other man's body. Although Stark didn't exercise much, enough time in his laboratory working allowed him to gain muscle throughout parts of his body.

"God I am so gay." Barton said out loud which made Stark laugh. "Makes me wanna join you."

"I'm not going to stop you." Stark whispered, his eyes widened as Barton jumped into the bath with his clothes on. "You're getting water everywhere." The blonde kissed the other man with no warning. Stark wrapped his arms around the other man's neck and eagerly kissed him back. "I need to get Fury to stop sending you on weeklong missions."

"If you mention that, he'll be petty and send me on month long ones." Barton murmured, Stark smiled. "This water is really hot."

"I don't know. I don't think it matches up to you." Stark smiled coyly, Barton chuckled and kissed the other man's neck. "We're not doing this in the bath."

"Why not?" Barton's hands already travelled towards areas that made Tony moan.

"You'll get water everywhere and what if I faint from the heat?" Stark said and whimpered as Barton's hand continued to stroke the man's half-hardened cock.

"Then let's get out, move it over to the bed." Barton suggested, Tony chuckled and pushed the other man away. The brunette slowly slipped out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around himself. Barton continued to stay kneeled in the bathtub as he watched his partner.

Stark smiled at him and walked out towards their bedroom. Barton took off his drenched clothes and left them in the tub. He took a towel and quickly dried off as well before he followed Stark like a puppy.

Tony was already on the bed, his lower half covered in linen sheets. The blonde casted the towel away and climbed underneath the sheets. He kissed Stark's forehead before he moved back down towards his neck.

"You're one crazy sex animal." Stark smirked as his hand wrapped around Clint's head once more.

"Hey, you're the playboy between the both of us. You have a bad influence on me." Barton smirked as his fingers pressed against Stark's prostate. The brunette moaned and bit his lip as Clint pushed his fingers inside.

"No lube? That's a little harsh." Stark pointed out but didn't resist as Barton continued to push his fingers inside him. The brunette groaned and rolled his head back. "Why am I getting so turned on just by your hands?'

"Nice to know you miss me." Barton chuckled as he pulled his fingers out, Stark rolled his eyes and whimpered with anticipation as the blonde lined himself up. "Who's a crazy sex animal now?"

"Just put it inside me already." Stark practically begged, Barton did what was asked and smiled as his partner let out a satisfied moan. The blonde moved at a pace that Stark had always felt comfortable with and pressed his lips against the other man's neck once more. "God, you feel so good."

"I've been told that." Clint couldn't help but stifle a moan as Stark's body wrapped tighter around his cock. "How are you always so tight?"

"Because I don't cheat on you." Stark said that as if Barton ever doubted him. "That and sex toys get really boring after a short while."

"Maybe you're just not using them properly." Barton mumbled. Stark yelped as the blonde thrusted harshly, his hips buckled underneath the blonde. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He pressed a kiss against the man's lips as an apology.

"Just caught me off-guard." Stark admitted, "I'm so close." Barton raised an eyebrow and stroked Stark's hardened cock. "Are you really going to-ngh-tease me like that?" Barton continued to work his hand as he moved inside his partner.

Moments later Stark came into Barton's hand and panted as he gripped against the bedsheets. The blonde eventually finished inside the other man and smiled.

"Guess you're going to have to clean yourself again." Barton said as he licked off Stark's release from his fingers.

"Does my come really taste that good to you?" Stark whispered to his surprise Barton kissed him once again. Tony tasted the remnants of his own release from his lover's lips. "You're gross."

"And you didn't push me away either." Barton winked, "I love being back with you."

"Because you get to fuck me?"

"That's an added bonus if anything." The blonde pointed out, "Let's get you cleaned up yeah?" Stark nodded as he sat up.

"I love you Clint." Stark added as he kissed his partner once more.

"Love you too." 

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