One Time Thing

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They were best friends, no one was going to deny them that title. They had been awfully close friends for years. Some would make the mistake that they were seeing each other. The year was 2048, where 'gay' was just a term that your racist grandfather would use. The two had done things couples would do without legitimate intent. They've kissed, occasionally got too close for comfort and used each other as make-shifts boyfriends to avoid potential sleeping partners.

"Dude, calm down" Clint Barton mumbled as he scrolled through his phone. The news and never-ending Instagram posts bored him. Everything seemed dis-interesting to him, yet he still scrolled through social media as if he had to.

"I can't, I leave my company for one god damn second and the entire thing fucking falls" His best friend, Tony Stark growled as he threw his hands in the air. A company that he had owned for six years now was slowly crumbling. Ever since he had left the company to a CEO, nothing had been going per plan. "Fucking incompetent stupid fucking bitch. Why did I let Pepper leave? She was the one person I could trust"

Of course, Stark had a good reason to hand off his company. He was a superhero after all. The invincible Iron Man, out to save the world once a week. But now he had good reason to take the company back once again.

Suddenly Stark's phone rang once more, he picked up. Clint winced at the sudden frustrated screams through the phone.

"Look, we don't own that stock. Don't fucking touch it, I am not going to get-WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SOLD IT?!" Stark shouted suddenly slamming the wall beside him. "Listen to me. Don't do anything! You hear me? Not until I come back" Then he hung up whilst throwing his phone in frustration. The phone bounced off the wall and landed on the floor, still in pristine condition. "That would have been more satisfying if it cracked"

"Just breathe yeah? Fire her or whatever" Barton said as he glanced away from his phone. "Do you want me to suck you off or something?"

"I'm going to fire her- what?"

"You heard me"

There was silence but not the bad kind. Stark slowly walked over to his friend who laid down on the couch. "You're serious?"

"Dead serious"

"You better not be fucking around with me Barton"

"We've literally fucked before. What's the difference if I give you a blowjob?" The blonde questioned as he sat up. Tony continued to stare at him in bewilderment, unsure if he should take up the offer. Barton rolled his eyes and clambered over the couch before dropping to his knees in front of his friend. "Last chance"

"You're still going to do it whatever-"

"I'm still going to do it whatever you say yes" Barton finished off the sentence as he undid Stark's belt. "You're annoying when you're in a pissy mood you know that?"


"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing" He responded as they continued to lay under the stars. The two were laying down next to each other on a hill. They both stared up to the dark skies covered in bright stars. It was mesmerising to look at, almost surreal. At one point, they even saw a shooting star which excited them both like giddy children.

"C'mon, tell me"

"I was just thinking about the time you were dying"

"Hmm" The blonde responded, recollecting the memory. It had been a year since the younger man had nearly passed away. They were months full of literally blood, sweat and tears. It was agonising. During those months, he couldn't breathe, hardly found the appetite to eat and he was bleeding out of his nose half the time. "It wasn't too bad" Lies.

"You were dying! They had to restart your heart!" Tony sounded angry. He was frustrated that his best friend couldn't give two shits. Although those months were painful for Clint physically, it hurt Stark more emotionally to watch his best friend die. "I felt so guilty because if you died, it would have been on me"

"Oh come on it was my decision. You weren't forcing me into anything"

"I recommended it to you when you were unsure about it. I told you everything was going to be alright because I was on the team that designed it" Stark scoffed as his eyes focused on a glistening star. "I still feel horrible to this day"

Barton had been enrolled to a re-creation of 'the super soldier' program. The program that made Captain America into who he is today. It was an honour to be chosen but it had more risks than benefits. He was unsure if he wanted to be their test guinea pig but then Tony came into view.

That day, Stark looked so confident. He looked like he was ready to take on the world, enough to make Clint believe in him. Enough to make Clint Barton want to sign up for the program even when he knew deep down that it would kill him.

It was fine at first, he came out healthy. Right before he dropped unconscious and was sent to hospital. He wasn't the only one that enrolled for the program. Out of the fifty that volunteered, so far only three had survived. Stark and the team of scientists felt sick to the core as they realised they were responsible for the death of 47 deaths. Possibly 48.

Barton was hospitalised for five months and survived on nothing but drips and food through a straw. Tony had to watch as he flatlined, he had to watch as they tried to bring him back. Fortunately, they succeeded but they told him the chances of him surviving were about 7 percent.

Bruce Banner came in at one point and helped with the aid of Barton's health. All the work towards the end must have paid off as Clint Barton lived. He came into Stark's office one day wearing a hoodie and jeans. He looked rugged, with a beard that needed to be shaved and hair that needed to be cut. But he was healthy and the program was a success. Tony hugged him that day and never let go.

"If I had to be honest, I don't remember much about those months other than the pain. " Barton whispered and felt the breeze come through. "But I know that if you hadn't kept persisting I would be dead"

"I guess it was during those months that I realised...I realised how much I loved you" The words slipped out with no hesitation. But he quickly realised what he said and sat up, covering his mouth in embarrassment. Clint stared at him without saying a word. "Oh god, did I just say that?"

Barton continued to stare at him and Tony could feel his heart race. He wondered why he said that, Clint was his friend and he had always been that for years. Neither of them saw each other as anything more or less. Yet, deep down Tony always knew he wanted something more.

Stark watched as Clint continued to stare at him with a blank expression, "God Clint just say anything. Please!" Suddenly Barton jumped on top of him and kissed him.

It was different from the kisses that they shared before. This one had meaning behind it. Stark kissed him back eagerly, running his hand through the other man's hair.

"I've waited for you to say that for years" Barton whispered as he pulled away briefly. "I thought I could distract myself from you if I dated others but it wasn't the same" They continued to kiss, unsure for how long.

"Please tell me this won't be a onetime thing Clint"


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