5 Times Tony protected Clint + 1 Time Clint Protected Tony

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AN: I have an enhanced!au on the way, Its essentially a thousand words long right now and I'm determined to finish it because it's been a while !!

But here's kinda like more of a tony x clint because I promised !! I kinda just wanted to write that fanfic trope of one's a ray of sunshine but the other one seems like they crawled out of hell.

Third Person's POV


To everyone's surprise even to himself, Tony Stark was his first real friend aside from Natasha. The two met during a SHIELD orientation for the new recruits and Tony simply warmed up to him quick. Nobody could explain how or why it happened, one minute they were introduced to one another and the next minute Tony was giggling like a child around him.

He appreciated it though, he couldn't remember the last time somebody treated him like a person rather than an assassin. He knew it wasn't anybody's fault, his occupation was bound to cause controversies between his peers. Many looked at him as if he were inhuman, their look of disgust or fear forever engrained into his mind. For better or for worse, he never outwardly showed his emotions which could only be interpreted in two ways; he didn't care about the backchat or it made him more unapproachable.

Tony didn't seem to care about any of that though, even when he spoke about dull topics the playboy seemed to listen and understand as best he could.

That day, essentially everybody at SHIELD either heard or first hand saw Tony walk around with him. Tony appeared to be comfortable, even going as far as patting his shoulder whenever they talked about something that interested them both.

"I take it Agent Barton has shown you around?" Nick Fury questioned as the two finally made their way back towards the main hall.

"Yeah but you do realise I could have just read where everything was right?" Tony mused and ran his hand through his hair. He then pointed towards Clint, "But I suppose the company wasn't too bad."

Fury eyed them both, even him of all people looked shocked at the most unlikely of relations.

"Barton you're dismissed for now, I need to have a word with Stark." Fury said and watched as his subordinate nodded and left them alone.

Tony watched as Clint left the room and if the Director wasn't wrong, there was a hint of sadness in Tony's eyes.

"What did you want to talk about? If this is about your super-secret boy band-"

"It's about Barton."

The younger man blinked and leaned closer at the sudden intriguing topic. "What about him?"

"He seems at ease with you which is relieving for me." Fury breathed and clasped his hands behind him. "Nobody really talks to him Stark, and I worry about him."

"Nick Fury showing emotions? Who are you and what have you done with the real Nick Fury?" Tony gaped dramatically like a child.

The man immediately turned and glared which shut Tony up momentarily.

"I can't make you be friends with him, but I'd appreciate it if you looked out for him when you can."

Tony stood there, dumbfounded by the favour. He never knew that Fury cared about Barton that much. He wondered what the history behind them was but knew it was of a later date to ask. It wasn't as if he was going to cease all contact with Clint anyway. The SHIELD operative was nothing short of a pleasant man and managed to make Tony laugh several times, which he could greatly appreciate.

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