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AN: I have another enhanced chapter I'm working on. So far, I think it's good, it's all set in the dystopian universe and yeah! I hope you guys will like it when I'm finished just because It has been ages since I've written an enhanced chapter.

You know those posts on Tumblr or whatever where it goes. 'Imagine your OTP' with a bunch of scenarios. I wanted to write that, so enjoy a lot of small fluffs :)

Who said I love you first?

Tony Stark was the first one to say, 'I love you' and whole-heartedly mean it. He hadn't said the words since the last time he had seen his mother and felt like a mess after he said it. It was something he had said in the moment without a thought.

They were outside a restaurant they had just dined at as they waited for the rain to ease. Stark sighed as he realised they would need to wait a while and annoyed that the rain could possibly wet him. Barton took off his jacket and draped it over the man, Tony paused and stared at the blonde whose blue eyes glinted under the moonlight.

Maybe it was that moment that pushed him to say the words because it was honestly a sweet gesture. Or maybe it was at that moment that Stark realised how grateful he was for his partner.

"Clint?" Stark mumbled, the other man turned his attention to him. "I love you."

Clint raised his eyebrows but smiled sweetly. "Okay, thanks." Stark scoffed and licked his lips, slightly taken back at the response.

"You're an asshole." The billionaire smirked and kicked the water underneath his feet towards the other man. The blonde just chuckled and continued to smile.

"I love you too." Barton responded, Stark couldn't help but flush a little. "Do you just want to run for the car? I highly doubt this rain will stop anytime soon."

Who tops? ;)

Clint Barton was the dominant one in their relationship. He was the one who pushed Stark down against the bed and took control. However, he wasn't just dominant in the bedroom, he was unusually dominant with anything. It was a trait that Stark had noticed as the two moved further into their relationship.

Barton would abnormally take up as much space as he could whilst they were on the couch, he always wanted to be right and made everything a competition.

Before they had dated, Stark had always been the dominant one in his relationships. So, when they had started to get serious, there was a fight for power but ultimately Barton won. Not that Stark minded one bit...

Who told friends about their relationship first and how did they react?

They were living with the Avengers at the time, they didn't need to say a word for every other person in the building to know.

Honestly, they weren't surprised. There had been unusually loud noises at times.

Who proposed?

Surprisingly it was Barton who had proposed to his significant other. It was a typical, lazy Sunday afternoon with Stark binge watching a TV show. The blonde interrupted his entertainment by pausing the show and clambered atop of Stark.

"C'mon dude, it was just getting to the good part" Stark sighed with annoyance, blue eyes barely inches away from his face. "What's gotten into you?"

"Will you marry me?" Barton suddenly asked with no build-up. Tony's eyes widened as he pushed the other man off him so that he could sit up. "It's just...when I think about the future, I see you."

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