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AN: I just wanted to post one more chapter set after the last one, or in other words.

 Ezra interacting with more people rather than Clint and Tony.

Third Person's POV

The house had been quiet for three months now; not dead silent but nowhere near as energetic when Tony was around.

Clint did what he could to raise their child himself, but his job conflicted his duty as a parent.

They had given him one month to rest but one month would never have been enough. He was still both mentally and physically exhausted from the aftermath of that battle. There was no way in hell he could have managed that job, take care of his kid whilst recovering.

Yet he did it anyway, he kept pushing because what else could he do?

Smiles and laughs became less frequent and he barely even recognised himself in the mirror anymore.

He wondered how Ezra took it, the child hadn't said much ever since his father passed; and in all honesty he didn't blame his kid. He wasn't the only one suffering because of Tony's death.

He found himself sleeping on the couch every night because a part of him couldn't sleep in the bedroom. He couldn't sleep there, not without Tony around.

Ezra found his parent asleep in front of the fireplace one night. The child took out the thick blanket from the basket beside the sofa and did his best to drape it over the man.

He then clambered onto the couch and curled up in his Dad's arms.

Clint shifted slightly but remained fast asleep. His hand subconsciously draped over his son and Ezra found himself pressing against the man's body warmth.

The child eventually fell asleep, feeling comforted by his Dad's embrace.

In the morning Ezra found himself alone on the couch. The boy whined softly and perked his head up to find his parent in the kitchen.

Clint was making pancakes and the boy wandered towards him.

"Morning kiddo, how did you sleep? I can't imagine it being too comfortable on the couch." Clint greeted him with a smile.

Sure, he didn't smile as often but he made an effort. He didn't want Ezra remembering him as somebody who was always in pain.

"You sleep on the couch." Ezra pointed out as he sat on a chair.

The man set a plate of freshly made pancakes down. "I get busy, I forget to sleep in my room."

"You should stop being so busy."

He smiled at his child's innocence, oh if only it were that easy. "I'll try, just for you."

As he turned off the stove he watched as his son shoved a forkful of pancake into his mouth. He let out a soft laugh and ruffled the boy's hair.

"I have to leave later." He almost didn't want to say it but it had to be done.

Ezra's face dropped and his heart sank at the sight. "For how long?"

"A week at most." He admitted but he was still unsure himself. "But I promise when I get back, no more trips okay? I'll always be home."

The child's face lit up again, "Really?!"

He hadn't seen his son this excited in a while and he couldn't help but smile as he patted the boy's head. "Of course; but for this week I called in somebody to take care of you alright?"

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