There's Finally Closure

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AN: remember that one chapter where clint got kidnapped + killed but tony could never find out what happened to him. It's v old and I doubt any of yall would know but that's basically the summary.

I've been thinking about it lately and heres a continuation of that one (?)

Anyways how are yall, hope youre doing well and staying healthy! I've been playing animal crossing non stop and I haven't seen the sun in a hot minute.

Third Person's POV

"Can I ask you something?"

The two stopped by his car where the other man had kindly offered to walk him out of the Avengers complex. He leaned his back against the car and crossed his arms across his body.

"What is it?"

He bit his lip, unsure if he should even bring it up, but it was absolutely killing him on the inside.

"Those kidnappers all those years ago, did they go off-grid after ..." He trailed off, unable to quite finish the sentence. "After Clint's body was found?"

Steve's eyes fluttered, clearly taken back by the question. "Why are you suddenly bring this up?"

"Just answer the question ... please." He whispered as he buried his face in his palms; just a mention of the topic was enough to give him a headache.

"Yes, it's one of the main reasons we couldn't track them down." The man responded and he nodded, the two now drowned by the silence. "Where is this coming from Tony?"

He asked himself whether he should even tell the man, but what good would it do? It wasn't as if anybody could do anything.

The text continued to echo through his head like it was printed there.


He chewed his lip once again and this time he tasted the metal in his mouth. He eventually glanced back up at the other man, only to be met with anxious eyes.

A sigh left his lips as he dug through his pockets for his phone, then showing the message to the other man. Steve took the device out of his hands and scanned the message.

"I'm worried about the kids." He murmured, "I can't go through this again Steve, not again. I've already lost too much."

The soldier handed him back the device, "they can stay at mine for a while, or we can arrange a safehouse."

With the likelihood of his house being bugged he knew it would be best to send his children away.

"I feel safer with them in your care." He rubbed the nape of his neck, "I'm sorry about this, I didn't want you involved."

"Clint was my friend; if the people who killed him are back then I want to know what's going on." There was a flash of anger in the man's eyes, it seemed the people close to Clint still hadn't gotten over his tragic death.

He nodded absently, "I'm going to go and review old footage, maybe there's a clue lying around in there."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

He turned and unlocked his car, determined to get to the bottom of this. "I'll be fine, I'll keep you posted."


He had dropped off his children at Steve's without providing them much of an explanation. He wanted them as far away from this case as possible, for their own good.

As much as he dreaded it, he knew he had to watch these tapes one day. He could barely sit through them initially for obvious reasons; but if there was a possibility of them providing answers ... he'd be more than willing to sit through them.

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