We Can Rest When We're Dead [Overwatch Crossover]

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Me: releases a paragraph explaining that I have no energy to write for the time being in my Avengers book.
Also me: so I have 3 million ideas for tonyxcli-

Anyway have a crossover I've been meaning to write for a long time !! I can't stress how much I've gotten into Overwatch again as of late and I've always thought the fandoms were a good fit.

Also this is a very Clint + Overwatch centric chapter, I will have the usual tony x clint up soon after this !! I just wanted to write something I enjoyed after coming back from a break.

Third Person's POV

The cowboy walked briskly down the long Overwatch hallways. He was due for a cigarette and the faster he got it out of the way the better. His fingers rustled through his pockets as he searched for the packet and he licked his lips with anticipation as he saw the main door up ahead. As the cigarette was placed in his mouth, though unlit, he felt a rush of relief hit.

Just as he was about to reach the doors, somebody slammed into him from the front.

All he saw was a flash of yellow before his ass hit the ground with a loud thud. Just before he could cuss the person out, the spoke.

"I'm so sorry!" The person apologized and immediately outstretched their hand. He breathed out and took their help, "I didn't see you there when I turned the corner."

Come to think of it, the cowboy had never seen this man in his life. They had the presence of a child, constantly beaming and unable to quite stand still. He wondered who they were, and what they were doing here.

"'s fine." He mumbled and picked up the cigarette that was now on the ground. "Where are you headed in such a rush?"

"A meeting." They glanced at the watch on their wrist and their eyes widened, "Which I am incredibly late for." Their eyes flicked back down the hall, "I really have to go, I'm really sorry about that again."

Before he could get another word out, the blonde quickly disappeared down the hall.

He let out one deep breath, deciding to leave it in the past for now and walked outside to smoke.


Clint Barton's footsteps echoed down the hallways as he ran. He was way late, and he also had zero clue where the meeting room was. In his defense; he had just landed in Switzerland not even three hours ago, had to find his way to the hotel and worse of all, kiss his fiancé goodbye without explaining where he was going.

Not to mention he just crashed into somebody, God, how embarrassing on his part. He prayed that the man who oddly dressed like a cowboy didn't have a grudge against him. He'd have all the time in the world to track him down and apologize all over again after he was done anyway.

He eventually reached polished double doors and pressed a button to open them. As the doors opened, he was met with empty eyes and he sighed as he realized he already made a scene of himself. Obviously being late wasn't ideal but he was only eighteen minutes late, it could have been much worse.

"Director Barton, how nice of you to join us." The Strike Commander of Overwatch smirked at him.

There were no words for how much Clint wanted to punch the man in the face at that given moment but he swallowed his pride and forced a smile on his face.

"I apologize for how late I am, I'm not quite familiar with the layout of the facilities." He spoke in his best, I haven't just been running voice. "I hope we haven't gone over anything crucial."

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