Questions/Headcanons - 4

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AN: its been a while since the last headcanon stuff, that and I currently have 0 ideas 8)

Third Person's POV

How do they respond when one of them can't sleep?

Tony would try everything in his power to soothe his partner enough to sleep. He'd even wait until Clint fell asleep before he tried to rest himself. He couldn't stand the thought of his significant other laying restless whilst he slumbered away.

"Hey are you alright?" He whispered one night as he glanced over and saw Clint staring blankly at the ceiling.

The blonde blinked and turned his head towards him before forcing on a smile, "Just not feeling sleepy."

He rubbed the grogginess out of his eyes as he stared at the clock in the corner.

It was close to three in the morning.

"You should try and sleep." He murmured and watched as Clint turned and faced him. "Do you need anything? I can make you warm tea."

The other man pulled him towards his chest and rested his chin on Tony's head. "No, don't trouble yourself like that. Just go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep knowing you're not."

"I'll be fine, the feeling will past."

He pressed his head against the blonde's warm chest, he could hear the faint thumping of the man's heartbeat.

"I'm staying up anyway." He decided, and Clint knew better than to rebut so he remained silent. "If you need anything, don't hesitate on telling me."

A kiss was pressed against the top of his head, "I know, thank you."

Clint on the other hand tried to ease the man into sleeping however he was mostly clueless on what to say or do for Tony. The thought was there though, and that's all Tony ever cared about.

"You're usually asleep by now, is everything okay?" The blonde muttered and hovered over his partner.

Tony spared him a quick glance and nodded, "Just can't sleep."

Clint's eyebrows knitted together, "Is there anything I can do?"

"No." The curt reply came, "Go back to sleep, don't worry about me."

The blonde breathed out and touched his partner's face, "Would sex help?"

Tony laughed a little, appreciating how adorable Clint was. "You can't fuck me to sleep."

"We've never tried."

They shared a chuckle and the blonde laid back down beside Tony.

His hand reached out for Clint's and felt a comforting grip. A beat passed before he tried bringing up a conversation again but by then he noticed that Clint had fallen asleep.

He watched as the blonde's chest rose and fell to a rhythm and couldn't help but feel comforted by how peaceful the man looked.

The man had been busy at work, so it was to nobody's surprise that he was exhausted.

Tony smiled and moved closer towards his partner's side watching the other man sleep before he slowly slipped into rest himself.

How do they react when they notice that the other one is wearing their clothes?

Clint's used to it, but it doesn't mean he finds it any less adorable each time. He'd be looking for his sweater one day only to stumble upon Tony wearing it leisurely.

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