A Week Without Tony

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AN: I drafted the last chapter because I just didn't like it :( I haven't liked too many of the things I've been writing recently for this book, mostly due to things like writer's block but I hope things will improve.

"Okay just sit here and wait okay?" Clint Barton instructed as he handed his mobile phone to his child. Ezra took it and watched as his parent plugged in earphones, then placed them into the child's ear. "It won't be long, I promise." The blonde then tapped on a playlist and the child listened to the music with content.

Due to Tony Stark's schedule at his company recently, he had been unable to care for the child. Ezra had been coming into Barton's workplace for the past week. Although Barton suggested a babysitter, Stark had bitter feelings about a stranger taking care of his child. It wasn't like having Ezra at SHIELD bothered Barton, he just questioned the overall safety of a child at a military base of operations.

Ezra watched as his parent disappeared into the room next door before he glanced back at the phone and tapped an application icon. It opened a game and for the next forty-five minutes the child idly played the game. During that time an assistant walked past and greeted the child.

"Hey kiddo, your Dad busy?" She asked with a kind smile, the child pulled out one earbud and nodded. Over this past week, the SHIELD employees had gotten to know the child firsthand. She walked towards the door and glanced through the glass window. "You haven't looked through, have you?"

"No." The child answered, even if he wanted to, his eyeline would barely reach the window. She just smiled at Ezra once again.

"Good, it won't be much longer." She reassured and walked back towards the child once again, "You want to play a game while you wait a little more?" He just nodded and turned off his mobile device.

Another fifteen minutes past before Clint Barton emerged from the room with a wet towel. The assistant glanced over and greeted her boss.

"What are you doing down here?" Barton asked her, she picked up a file she had placed down on the table earlier. "Ah, thank you."

"I would have just left it, but your kid looked lonely." She commented, Ezra blinked slowly at the adults and swung his feet. Barton wiped off whatever blood was left on his hands before he set the towel down and took the file.

"Thank you for keeping him company." He said, she gave a polite nod and excused herself. She waved at the child before leaving quietly. He opened the file and skimmed through it quickly before he shut it once again. "Sorry I kept you waiting."

Ezra shrugged and watched as his parent crouched down to meet him at eyelevel. "Your shirt is dirty." The child pointed out.

Barton glanced down at the collar of his shirt and smiled nervously at the blood stain. "Don't worry about it, it'll wash off."

"What were you doing?"

"I was talking to somebody."

"Were they a nice person?"

"Well, eventually they became a nice person."

"Are they still in the room?"

"Yeah, they're just taking a quick nap." Barton reassured and patted the child's head. "C'mon let's get you out of here."


"Hey, how was school?" The adult smiled as his son emerged out of the classroom. Ezra hugged his parent and grinned with delight.

"It was good!" The boy said and held onto Barton's hand when it was offered. The two walked towards the parking lots with the adult receiving crude looks from other parents. Ezra seemed to have noticed the sudden negative aura. "Sometimes people say mean things about you."

"Oh yeah?" Barton said, in all honesty he couldn't care less about other people's opinions of him. His son nodded as he continued to walk by his parent's side.

"They say you shouldn't be my Dad and that you're too young." Ezra pouted, his eyes glued to the concrete floor. The adult noticed the child distressing over matters that he should never have to think about.

"Hey, you don't have to get upset for me." The blonde reassured and patted the boy's head.

"But it's not fair."

"I know, but I don't want you worrying about something that's centred about me."

"Okay..." Ezra mumbled, Clint picked him up as they reached the car and sat the child down at the back. "Is Papa coming back soon?"

"He should be back by tonight."


Tony Stark arrived late home late at night and to his surprise he found the blonde fast asleep on their living room couch. He frowned and slowly walked over, ensuring that he didn't make a single noise. He crouched down beside the couch and studied his partner, Barton had a thick blanket draped over him and he seemed to be having a peaceful slumber.

Stark heart jumped when the other man's eyes suddenly snapped open. For a short while Barton continued to stare at him staying completely still.

"When did you get home?" The blonde mumbled as he yawned. Tony smiled as he eased up and touched his partner's face.

"Five minutes ago, c'mon you should sleep upstairs." Stark pushed and watched as the other man forced himself off the couch and carried the blankets with him. "How was Ezra?"

"Just fine." Clint said and wrapped his arms around the other man's waist. "How about you?"

"Got everything sorted." Stark answered and pressed a light kiss against the other man's lips. "I should let you take care of Ezra more often."

"I can't guarantee he'll continue survive under my care." Barton chuckled softly, "But I'll try my best for the both of you." 

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