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AN: ha ha guess who cried like a bitch in endgame, anyways heres a chapter from the beginning to that era.

Third Person's POV

"You know; if you want to ask me out, I'm not going to say no."

He chocked on his coffee which in turn had more negatives because it was steaming hot. He took a moment to cough out whatever got caught and shot the other man an annoyed look.

Clint only smiled at him but bent down a little to check up on him.

"Are you okay?" Clint laughed but touched his face anyway. He felt the heat rise to his cheeks at the soft touch. "I didn't mean for you to react that way."

"I got coffee on my Italian you jerk." He teased and glanced down at his tie.

The other man raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "It looked ugly anyway."

"I don't think you got the point I was making."

Clint shrugged and took the coffee out of his hands. "I don't speak expensive."

"Beginning to think that maybe I should just take you out to teach you." He said offhandedly as he continued walking with the blonde. "Since you so clearly want me to ask you out."

The man chuckled and eyed him for a moment, "I'm not the one staring at you every chance I get."

"Is it my damn fault you're pretty to look at?"

Clint paused briefly and smiled, a genuine one this time. "You're not half bad yourself Tony."


"So does anybody want to follow up on my callout for south end or are we going to let aliens kill all those people?"

"I'm working on it." He hissed as he was thrown to the ground by a handful of Chitauri soldiers.

As he shot at them a shield came flying towards him and knocked out a couple of the aliens. He used the distraction to finally get himself off the ground.

"Go." Steve panted as he caught the shield that came flying back, "I'll be fine here."

"Getting on it now babe." He said as he took off towards the location that was already pinpointed on his AI.

"Babe?" Natasha's voice rang through and he bit the inside of his cheek.

"I said hey." It wasn't a smooth save but it was all he could think of at the moment.

"You definitely said babe." Steve cut in on the conversation.

"It was a slipup alright?" He huffed and finally reached the location. He cleared out the area and pulled out the civilians that were trapped in the building. "Alright I'm clear down here."

"Barton you wanna chime in on this?" You could hear Natasha's grin which only got on his nerves.

"I'm deaf." Was all the younger man said and he groaned aloud at the man's 'quick thinking'. "I just realised what I said."

"So you two are seeing one another?" Steve grunted as he fought off the enemy.

"Nobody is seeing anybody!" He stated, "Can we just finish this? You both are acting like children."

He couldn't see them but he could guarantee they were snickering to themselves.


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