I Adore You So Much It Hurts

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Third Person's POV

The thing about Clint Barton was, nobody ever really talked about how beautiful he was. All the talk had always been about how the man was an assassin; so you could imagine how bored he got after the first hundred times its been mentioned. It wasn't as if an assassin didn't intimidate him, but he understood that people had to make a living somehow.

And if that living was killing other human beings, especially shitty human beings, then so be it.

To be frankly honest, the first time he saw the man, he was almost swept off his feet. They had informed him that Clint had finally snapped out of Loki's control and would be joining the team on the field. He didn't think too much of it, simply relieved that they would have extra help against an alien invasion.

Then he saw the man and Oh God.

Clint looked as if he emerged from Tony's teenage wet dream. Silver blonde hair that had to have dyed, the clearest fucking blue eyes he had ever seen, all along with a sculpted body that was clearly defined by his uniform. He was surprised he didn't fly straight into a wall with how intently he stared at the man.

"Stark can you get me up there?" His voice wasn't exactly what Tony was expecting either. It was so soft, like a child soft. It honestly made him just want to hug the blonde and tell him everything was going to be okay.

He was glad he had his helmet on, because boy even he could tell he was blushing like hell.

"Y-Yeah, better clench up Legolas." He responded in the most un-smoothest way possible. He really hoped Clint didn't think he was weird because he isn't.

He had hoped that maybe throughout their fight in New York, he'd find some trait that would make him disinterested towards the blonde. Anything to spare him from having this childish crush.

However as time passed, he found himself more attracted to the man than ever before because Clint was frighteningly smart. The man's callouts were scary accurate; and his ability to formulate a plan on the spot, catering to each fucking team member was mind numbing to Tony. Hell, even his fucking suit wouldn't be able to coordinate plans that well.

"How do you do that?" He found himself asking amidst the battle.

"Do what?"

"Know exactly what the enemy is going to do like a psychic."

That earnt a chuckle from the blonde and his heart felt as if it was about to lurch out of his chest.

"I don't really know, it's just always been something I could do." Clint responded with a timid tone. "Maybe I'm a Jedi."

He scoffed and couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

"If you two are done flirting I could use some help." Natasha's voice cut through the coms.

He decided to rush in and help her; after all, he could always talk to Clint after the fight.

The weeks after New York, the team were at talk conferences and interviews back to back. During those days Clint was quiet, the blonde barely spoke at any of the events. He wondered if that was because Clint was as sheepish as he came off. You would think than an assassin would have more presence but nope, he was as meek as a mouse.

"You know you can speak right?" Tony teased one day as they wrapped up an interview.

"I'm not exactly a people person." Clint mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to neaten it.

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