Birthday + Disneyland

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AN: In which Tony surprises Clint with a birthday present. ALSO I THINK I SORTED OUT THEIR AGES.

They met when they were 18. Never started dating until they were 20. Married at 23 ish. If I want to implement kids, they had 1 kid the next year. So by the time Ezra was 5, Clint is 29 and Tony is 30 :D If they sound young, need I remind you that neither go through schooling and they know they're gonna die young?


"Happy Birthday!"

"We both know that neither of us know when my birthday is." Clint Barton chuckled as he blew out the single-lit candle on the cupcake. It was true, nobody knew when Barton was born. Ever since he was a young child his birthday had never been celebrated, therefore no significant date to remember.

"Hey, doesn't stop me from celebrating at a certain point in the year." Tony Stark chuckled and removed the candle from the small cupcake. Barton took a bite out of it from the brunette's open hands. "How is it?"

"Tastes good." Barton's voice was muffled from the cake in his mouth. "Did you only make one?"

"Yes, I wasted my time baking one singular cupcake." Stark smiled then quickly glanced away, "Yeah the rest sort of burnt..." The blonde snorted and took another bite of the cupcake.

"I'll help you bake some more later." Barton mumbled and enjoyed the terribly sweet taste of the desert. "How much sugar did you put in this holy shit."

"That's not important, what's important is that we're going to Disneyland!" Stark jumped up and down like a giddy child. Barton raised an eyebrow. "Oh c'mon, neither of us have ever been before!"

"We're too old for Disneyland"

"You're twenty-two! How is that old?"

"You do realize I've never seen a single Disney film?"

"Does it matter?"


"Then we're going because I got us tickets anyway." Stark smiled innocently, Barton rolled his eyes but couldn't help but scoff in amusement. "C'mon you better win me lots of gifts!"

"Whose birthday is it again?"

"Baby, I'm Tony Stark, every day can be my birthday" Stark winked and slapped Barton's ass. The blonde jumped in surprise and watched as the other man walked away casually.


"Man, I can smell the magic." Stark took a deep breath dramatically as they stepped through the gates. Barton chuckled and adjusted his jacket as the two continued to walk. "We have to plan this accordingly Barton, as much as I want to come back again, we have to get through all the rides today."

"Didn't you buy those fast passes?"

"Yep but you do realize how big this place is right?" Stark said and his eyes glistened as he saw the amusement parks.

"Wait, did you only drag my ass to LA because you wanted to go to Disneyland?"

"No I dragged your ass to LA so you could attend a charity ba-"

"You dragged me across the country so you could go to Disneyland! You even staged my birthday on top of it didn't you?" Barton gaped, his boyfriend continued to avoid eye contact. "You're a horrible person you know that?"

"Hey, it just so coincidentally happened that the charity ball was in LA." Stark pointed out, Barton grinned and raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay yeah, you're right, but! You're going to have fun my dear hawk."

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