12 AM Bar Fights 1/2 [DETECTIVE AU]

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AN: I cant tell if yall like the detective au stuff, but I certainly like it.

This is gonna be cut into 2 because isa too long.

Third Person's POV

Perhaps it was just late, but people at bars during these hours were a little too eerie for his liking.

The majority were drunk, which he was completely fine with. That's why you go to the bar right? To get drunk and forget about your troubles for a couple of hours.

But those people that just sit and stare into the crowd? Yikes, they sent a chill down his spine.

He sat there and played around with his glass of whiskey, eyes flicking across the room every now and then just to check his surroundings. He watched as people left and watched as new ones walked in. Perhaps it was just old habits, but he found himself studying every single person in this room.

Now that he thought about it, he definitely came off like one of the creepy people in this bar.

It wasn't like he meant to be here but after getting into a fight with his partner he figured anywhere was better than the apartment.

As he mulled over the thought more, his phone buzzed on the table.

He frowned and flipped it face up to see who texted him. It was Natasha.

'How's the case going?' – NR.

He sighed through gritted teeth and begrudgingly picked up his phone to answer.

'Not great.' – CB.

A moment passed, 'Not the answer I wanted to hear Clinton.' – NR.

'It's harder than we expected. Our last lead turned out to be a complete bust.' – CB.

'Are you two working on it now?' – NR.

'Nat, its 12 in the morning.' – CB.

'So why are you still up?' – NR.

He rubbed his forehead and breathed out once again, 'I can't sleep alright?' – CB.

Text bubbles appeared and disappeared. He wondered what she wanted to say to him.

'Did something happen?' – NR.

Right, he almost forgot he was talking to a detective.

'Nothing to be concerned about.' – CB.

Then a call came through and he blinked with surprise. Nevertheless he picked up and brought the phone to his ear.

"You alright?" She asked him over the line, he smiled at the thought of her worrying for him. Not everyday you just have friends that call you the minute they sense something was wrong.

"Yeah." He murmured and sipped his drink, mindful of the burn. "It'll pass."

"Where are you?"

He glanced around as if he didn't know where he was. "Just a nearby bar."

"Want to talk about your troubles at home?"

"It's just normal relationship stuff, we're both probably just exhausted."

She hummed sympathetically, "This case has been a lot on you both. You should rest Clint, the more you put it off, the more frustrated you'll get."

"I know." He murmured and finished the rest of his drink. "Thanks for-"

Before he could finish his sentence, somebody slammed into him. He flinched and dropped his phone atop the tablet top.

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