He's A War Criminal!

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AN: Just watched Homecoming and I wanted to write about that. Spoilers...? Maybe??????? Just Tony's relationship with Peter is everything.

The new Avengers facility was amazing to say the least. Peter Parker tried his best to hold in his excitement. At times he found himself giggling like a child.

He had declined Tony Stark's offer. Declined, Tony fucking Stark. Parker didn't even realise until around five minutes after he said it. Fortunately, the billionaire decided to let Peter keep the suit.

Even though he wasn't ready to join the 'big leagues' yet. Peter came down to the facility once a month. It was mostly so that he could use the state of the art training facilities. You can only do so much in an apartment room. His aunt hadn't been too pleased with him after she found out his identity. Peter would make any excuse to leave his apartment.

One day, after Parker had wrapped up training. He ran into none other than Tony Stark accompanied by a child...? That wasn't right. Stark sat in a chair and watched as the child played with a toy. Tony smiled as he watched the child talk to him.

Peter was lost for words. For one he had never seen the man so relaxed, two since when did Tony Stark like children and three, why was there a child at an Avengers facility?

Tony then glanced up, he made eye contact with Peter. Parker jumped and looked around nervously. Stark just narrowed his eyes and called the younger man over. Peter nervously walked towards the man he had looked up to his entire life.

"H-hey Mr Stark. W-weird to see you just...here" Peter stumbled with his words. Stark raised an eyebrow and took off his sunglasses.

"Why do you look like a nervous wreck?" Tony asked, almost sounding amused. "We've talked like a gazillion times"

Parker wanted to express his love for his role model. He saved himself the embarrassment and decided to stare at the child. The child stared right back at him. Parker found it mesmerising that the child had bi-coloured eyes. Each colour in complete contrast with one another.

"Who's this?" Peter asked, Tony shot him another look. The younger man flustered. "I-I mean it's none of my business"

"I can trust you enough to tell you?"

Peter nodded with uncertainty.

"He's my kid. His name is Ezra" Tony Stark smiled, a softness in his eyes as he glanced at his child once again. Peter didn't know how to register that information.

A child? Was it just a one night stand gone wrong- No Peter! Respect the man more than that. The teenager's thoughts raced through his head.

"I-is Miss Potts the mother?" Parker asked, it was the only logical conclusion. Tony laughed. He laughed for a little too long.

"No. That my spiderling is just for publicity. The kid doesn't have a mother"

"So it was a one night stand gone wrong" Peter mumbled under his breath.


"Nothing!" Parker chirped and laughed nervously.

"The kid just has another Dad. That's all"

Peter frowned as he tried to piece that sentence together. He stared blankly at the man and frowned. Then it clicked.

"M-Mr Stark you're gay?"

"I suppose." Stark shrugged, "What? My personality wasn't enough to show that? Or is this just homopho-"

"Nonono!" Peter flustered, his face turned red. "I-It's just you're one of the biggest playboys in the world." Parker realised how rude that sounded. "I-I mean like-"

"Peter calm down. Just take a deep breath" Stark smirked. "I think you're scaring the kid"

Peter snapped his attention at the child who frowned at him. He was surprised at how quiet Ezra was. The child hasn't uttered a single word.

"S-so who's his Dad then?"

"Don't know. Haven't seen him since two year-" Peter's face turned pale. Stark just laughed again. "I'm just fucking with you. His Dad is around here somewhere. He's blonde like yay tall" Stark gestured the height with his hands.

"Daddy!" Ezra suddenly called out, both the men turned their heads around. The child stood up and ran towards a blonde man. Parker was lost for words. He then turned his gaze back to Stark who just gave him a blank look.



"Husband. Mr Stark he's a war criminal" Peter whispered, Tony just chuckled and shrugged.

"Yeah that's a bit of a hassle isn't it?" Stark continued to smile. "But the man is Director of SHIELD. He's stopped more wars than you could imagine. So the council let him continue doing his job"

"W-wait so you fought your husband? I-Isn't that like-"

"I can understand your concerns kiddo." Stark said as he stood up. "But. It's fine, we're fine"

"Is this the new spider kid?" A different voice asked. Parker turned around and jumped. Clint Barton was seemingly more intimidating in real life. "Clint Barton" He outstretched his arm, Peter glanced at it before he glanced back up at the man.

He hesitantly shook an assassin's hand.

"Good to meet you...sir" Parker mumbled, Clint just smiled at him.

"You don't need to be so formal"

"I'm sorry sir!" Peter apologised then covered his mouth with his hands. That made the blonde laugh.

"Anyways. I have to overlook all the budgeting for your team." Clint sighed as he turned his attention towards Stark.

"We still need to find Rogers. You do realise that" Stark raised an eyebrow.

"And you do realise I have no clue where he is right?"


"Honest to god!" Clint raised his arms in defence. "I'll catch you later" He pressed a quick kiss on the engineer's cheek before running off. Ezra clung by Tony once again.

"A war criminal!" Parker mouthed dramatically as the blonde man left. Tony just shook his head.

"I know. Just. He's a good man. But I don't know what Rogers has on him. You would think that since I'm married to him his loyalties are to me right? Right?"

Tony Stark is asking me for relationship advice Peter panicked internally.

"Y-yes. I-I would believe that's how marriages work."

"Well. I'll catch you later. The little one's been here for too long" Stark said as he walked past Peter. "Stay out of trouble kid and if you happen to run into my husband again can you tell him that files are on his desk"

"Y-you want me to tell him?"

"Yes. I believe that was my request"


"He's not going to kill you Peter. If he wanted that you'd be dead already." Stark called out, "Be seeing you Spiderman" 

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