be my fake boyfriend (?)

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AN: im sorry ive been MIA I had to get surgery done and ive been recovering slowly but surely oml

But im surprised I haven't done one of those 'pretend to be my boyfriend' kinda chapters. Also pretend Tony's parents are alive.

Third Person's POV

"Oi Barton, could I ask you for a favour?"

The blonde turned away from the video game console in his hands, their gaze meeting momentarily. He walked up towards them until they were inches apart with a phone in hand.

"Depends what the favour is."

He breathed out and rubbed the nape of his neck, "I'd understand if you say no."

Clint clicked his tongue and set his console down, "just tell me."

"To get them off my back, I've been telling my parents I have a boyfriend; but that plan has completely backfired on me as they want to meet said boyfriend." He explained as briefly as he could, but Clint could already join the dots himself. "I was wondering if you'd be my boyfriend for a weekend."

"Why didn't you just tell your parents you broke up with them?"

"I've used that excuse too many times and if I use it once more, I'm pretty sure they'll catch on."

Clint hummed and stared at him briefly, "why me though? You sure you wouldn't rather take Captain America home to your parents?"

Another breath left his lips and he shoved his hands into his pockets, "you and I get along a lot better, that and I know Steve will be too stiff for his own good."

A smile appeared on his friend's lips, "sure, why not? It's not like I have anything better to do."

"I owe you-"

They waved him off and turned their back towards him, once again picking up the game console. "Don't sweat it, it's not like I haven't done shit like this in the past for ops and stuff."

One week later and the two arrived at his childhood home in Long Island. His mother immediately greeted them at the front door and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Oh Tony! I haven't seen you in so long, you really should visit more often." She cooed as she held onto her son, pressing a kiss against his cheek.

He couldn't help but smile as his mother continued to hold him, "I'm sorry, life's been pretty hectic lately, but I'll try to come home more."

She then turned her attention towards the blonde who stood awkwardly by the door.

"You must be Clint! It's so good to finally meet one of Tony's partners." She then leaned a little closer towards him, "between you and me I was starting to get worried that he'd be alone forever."

Clint chuckled and Tony groaned audibly, "Ma! Don't say stuff like that."

He led the blonde inside and informed them that they would be sleeping in Tony's childhood room. It had long been renovated to look less 'childish' but it still carried many childhood memories.

"I'm guessing I'm sleeping on the ground." Clint muttered as he placed his bags by the door.

He tilted his head slightly, "there's more than enough room on the bed for us to share."

His friend raised an eyebrow, "are you sure you're okay with that?"

"My Mother had a habit of barging into my room unannounced and I doubt that's changed, it'll be weird if she saw you on the ground." He laughed to himself as he unpacked some of his clothing.

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