Questions/Headcanons - 2

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AN: More headcanons? Questions? Mostly because I have no ideas but these are also just really cute!

Who loves to be held by the other?

Clint, though he would never admit it and would always try to avidly avoid Stark's impromptu bursts of affection.

"Aw did you miss me?" Tony Stark cooed as he outstretched his arms. Barton shot the man a disgusted look as he stepped out of the way when Stark moved forwards. "You know you want to hug me."

The blonde went from stepping away to straight up running from his boyfriend.

"Stop chasing me!" Barton stated as he moved behind a couch, Tony stood on the other side with a smile. "If you don't stop I'll break up with you."

"What an empty threat." Stark scoffed as he slowly walked around the furniture. "C'mon! I've been gone for two months, you could at least give me a kiss?" Barton narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he took another step back.

The engineer suddenly tackled him into the couch and pressed a kiss on the blonde's cheek. Barton tried to push him off but Stark was surprisingly resilient. Clint huffed and glanced up at the other man before he hugged him.

Stark's eyes widened but he didn't fight it.

"I missed you." Barton whispered as he felt the other man's warmth against him.

"Aww, you're making my heart melt" Stark mocked and listened to the other man groan.

How do they flirt with each other?

It was usually casual banter which would sooner or later arouse the both enough to go into a bedroom.

"How did the host of the party end up working behind the bar?" Clint Barton grinned as he picked up his glass from the counter. He watched as Tony Stark shake a drink in the mixer.

"Well, I have to provide for the guests, don't I?" Stark chuckled as he poured it into a glass. It was a fruity drink that looked like it would get anybody drunk very quickly. The genius placed a blackberry on the top and pushed a straw into the drink. "Here." He slid the drink over to the blonde who took it into his hands. "Beer isn't as classy and nice as this."

"What is it?" Barton stirred the drink with the straw, Tony just leaned over on the counter and smiled.

"A cocktail which contains soju amongst other things." Stark winked as he took the blonde's beer away from him and tossed it in the bin. Barton took a sip before he leaned back and raised his eyebrows at the other man. "How is it?"

"It just tastes like juice." Barton smiled as he picked up the glass once again. "You could get me tipsy very easily."

"That's the point." Stark smiled as he watched the other man take another sip. "It'll be easier to get you into my bed that way Mr Stark." Barton chocked on his drink and he set it down on the counter.

"God, I hate that that's sorta legally my last name now." Barton coughed and watched as the genius just laughed. "I'm sticking with Barton thank you very much."

"Stark-Barton at least."

"Nope." The blonde popped the 'p' as he took another sip. "God this tastes so nice." Stark leaned forward more so he could speak in a quieter tone.

"I know something else that'll taste just as nice." Stark smirked as he stepped away from the bar counter. "You can try it up in the bedroom." With that the man walked away without another word. Barton just scoffed in disbelief but he decided to follow his husband.

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