Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Debbie's POV

After Laura's call, Victoria and I were wide awake. We couldn't stop laughing as we watched an old Teen Mom. "I would pay good money to see her face when she pulled those out!" Vic shook her head.

"the pills were a nice touch," I nudged her.

"Why thank you!" she bowed jokingly. "Do you think she showed Liam?" I asked getting up to grab a water.

"He probably found out, I'm not sure how though," she grabbed my water from me, taking a sip.

"Oh he found out all right!" A loud voice came up from right behind us. I jump up, looking behind me while Victoria spit out her water in surprise.

"Louis Tomlinson!" I screamed, him and Harry laughing and high fiving standing behind the couch.

"Nice to see you too!" he replied jumping over the couch to me.

"How did you guys get in here?" Victoria questioned, looking at the shut door. Harry held up Laura's keys, the familiar picture of all three of us dangling.

"What did you steal them?" I laughed, obviously kidding.

"No she gave them to us!" Louis stuck out his tongue.

"Yeah I'm glad you think so highly of us," Harry walked around the couch to Victoria.

"But we actually do have a reason to be here," Louis stated, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah besides scaring us to death!" Victoria crossed her arms.

"Actually yes," Harry laughed. "We are all going out to Ihop for breakfast and wanted you guys to come," he wrapped his arms around her.

"Yes, won't you come?" Louis pleaded in his baby voice, taking my hand.

I looked over at Vic, our eyes meeting. " Only if you promise to never break in again." I touched Louis nose with my finger.

"Fine, but we technically didn't break in," he winked.

"And don't ever try to scare us!" Victoria added, pointing to Harry sternly.

"Now that I cant promise," he grabbed her hand, dragging her to the door.

"Time to go!" Louis yelled, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I didn't even bother to protest as he carried me all the way down to the car. I rolled my eyes when he finally put me down, climbing into the car.

"Thanks L" Harry threw Laura's keys back to her and she caught them one handed.

"No problem Haz," she laughed snuggling closer to Liam. Harry drove to local IHop and we raced each other in there.

"Good morning, welcome to Ihop how many-- good lord you are One Direction!" a lady in her mid 20's gasped, looking at the five beautiful boys in front of her.

"Are we boys?" Louis turn to look at them, confusion on his face.

"I don't know," Liam turned to Laura "Babe am I part of One Direction?"

"Yes Liam technically you are 1/5 of One Direction." she replied laughing.

"Well there you go!" I am, I don't know about these lads." he pointed to the other boys.

"I do believe I am part of that band," Zayn added, nodding his head.

"So to answer your question Lou," Harry put his hand on Louis shoulder, "We are One Direction ."

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