Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Debbie's POV

​My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I see is the peacefully sleeping Louis Tomlinson. Probably the best thing about this living arrangement was the bedrooms. He slightly smirking, I guess he was in the middle of a dream and I didn't want to disturb him. I carefully turned over and sat up, taking down my hair when warm strong hands wrapped around me and pulled me down again. I fell backwards onto his rock hard stomach, laughing slightly as I looked at him. He had a huge grin on his face, his wolf like blue eyes sparkled when the sunlight from the window fell softly on him. "Good morning," I said, struggling to get up.

​"Good morning," he returned, not letting me go.

​"Lou I need to get up," I complained, giving up on the struggle. "I am getting my classes today."

​"Ugh," he let go, crossing his arms. "College was the worst idea ever."

​"Yes getting smart, bad idea." I shook my head as I got up.

​"No getting smart is good, leaving is bad." Louis clarified, standing up himself.

​"Yeah says the boy who is leaving his girlfriend for a week," I rolled my eyes, only half joking.

​"You know I don't want to." He said from behind me now, sighing.

​"I know I know." I turned to face him. "Being in a boy band, bad idea." I shook my finger at him, repeating what he said to me.

​"See but being in a boy band has its perks, unlike college." He reasoned, stepping closer.

​"And what would those be?" I played along, smirking.

​"That you get to meet people like Harry." He turned to the side fast, walking over to the door.

​"Wow thanks Louis!" I yelled, making my way to the bathroom, laughing.

​"Anytime babe!" He yelled back from what sounded like the living room.

​"Louis go get dressed!" I heard Victoria yell, making me laugh harder. I heard him come in again mumbling something about it being his house first.

​"What are you laughing about?" he called into the closed door of the bathroom.

​"Oh nothing!" I dismissed his question, stepping into the shower.

Victoria's POV

​"Louis go get dressed!" I yelled as he walked into the room, wearing nothing but boxers. He stuck his tongue out at me and walked back into his bedroom, mumbling something I didn't catch. I laughed, turning back to my cereal.

​"Does that mean I need to go change too?" Harry asked from behind me.

​I turned around to see him half naked too, smirking and running his hands through his messy bed head. "Nope, you are perfectly fine."

​"I'm glad you think so," he said, pouring himself some cheerios. "You know you should try this sometime." He pointed to his almost cloth less body.

​"You would like that wouldn't you?" I asked, turning back to my breakfast.

​"Yes, I would actually," he breathed into my ear, making me shiver as he walked away.

Laura's POV

​"Liam?" I called, walking into the living room. "I'm going to the grocery store, do you want anything?"

​"No babe I'm good," he said, covering the speaker on his cell phone. "Take my credit card, it's in my wallet on the counter." He pointed over to the kitchen counter before turning back to his phone call. He was talking in sort of hushed tones so I didn't bother asking him anything else, it sounded serious. I walked into the kitchen, my back facing him as I looked through his wallet for his Visa. I found it and I closed the leather wallet, noticing something fell out. I picked up the ripped piece of paper off the floor. It had a phone number scribbled on it in bubbly handwriting. I looked back at Liam who was deep in his conversation, but he looked up at me when he felt my gaze and smiled. I smiled weakly back, turning around quickly and stuffing the paper back in his wallet.

Taking a deep breath I grabbed my purse and waved bye to him before shutting the door behind me. I decided to keep it to myself after debating to tell my friends the whole drive to the store. I didn't know what it was and I didn't want to investigate and start assuming things, especially with him leaving in four days. The grocery store kept my mind from wandering, working up all of the possibilities that I knew in my heart were not true.

I came back from the store, tons of bags in my hand as I struggled up to the flat. I was too lazy to take two trips, luckily Harry was in the lobby and saw me. "Here," he came over grabbing over half the bags and walking me to the elevator.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem," he smiled, "so what's up?"

"Nothing," my mind flashed to the number but Harry would tell Liam I knew...

"Well that's good I guess."

"So what are you planning for Sunday?" I raised an eyebrow, remembering what Vic texted me last night. She was excited.

"Nothing," he face turned red.

"Come on Harry I won't tell her! I want this to be as much of a surprise for her as you want it to be." I begged.

"Fine, I was going to get rid of Debbie and Lou for the night." He started.

"Sleepover at my place?" I offered.

"I was hoping you would suggest that." He laughed, making me laugh too. We got out of the elevator and were walking to Liam's flat. "And I was going to order Chinese?"

"Sounds like you don't have a plan yet Harry, making it up as you go along?" I teased him.

"Yes actually I am, how am I doing?"

I pursed my lips. "The other guys gone was good but I think you should get back to me when you have thought everything else through..."

"Will do," he dropped the bags in my kitchen, "oh by the way Liam isn't here, he left."

"Where did he go?" I asked curiously. He just shrugged before turning the corner out of the flat and winking goodbye.

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