Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Laura's POV

​I woke up and rolled out of bed, going straight to the shower. I cleaned my body and washed my hair with my vanilla smelling shampoo, then changed into skinny jeans and my new plaid shirt. I walked into the living room, noticing I was alone and Liam's gym bag that was usually by the front door was gone also. Taking the opportunity of being alone I immediately start playing music on my iHome, singing along loudly which I only do when nobody is there. Mostly Taylor Swift played which is not surprising because half of my iPod is her. I made my way over to the kitchen, looking through the pantry and decided to make pancakes. I made just enough for two people, finishing just in time.

​"Well this looks nice," Liam said from behind me, making me jump. I didn't hear him because of the music and I was so relieved I wasn't singing at the moment.

​I turned around to see him just closing the front door, throwing his gym bag on the couch. He was really sweaty, wearing the new pullover I made him get and some old grey sweatpants. "You scared me," I put my hand to my heart, feeling it beating fast.

​"Sorry babe," he chuckled, taking off his pullover to reveal a white muscle shirt, showing off his perfectly sculpted abs. He made his way to the kitchen, kicking off his sneakers on the way. "When did you get up?" he asked, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

​"Like an hour ago," I shrugged, looking over at the time and turning off the music. It was around 11 o'clock.

​"You slept in," he smirked, sitting down in front of his plate of pancakes.

​"You call that sleeping in?!" I scoffed. "Wait until the weekends."

​"You are going to be like Zayn aren't you." He asked.

​"If Zayn sleeps in a lot then yes," I smiled, joining him at the table.

​Liam eyed my glass, "Ice, in your orange juice?" he raised an eyebrow.

​"Yeah?" I laughed. "I have been doing it since I was little. It's the only way I'll drink it." I took a sip of my OJ.

​"You are so weird," he shook his head.

​"But I'm your weirdo," I cooed.

​"Yes, I guess you are." He laughed, "And you make better pancakes than Harry."

​"Why thank you," I said, eating my breakfast. There was a couple times during breakfast that Liam's phone would buzz and he would look at it, kind of disturbed before looking up at me to see if I noticed. I just waved it bye, if it was something he would tell me. After we were done I put the plates in the sink, dealing with them later. Liam went to go take a shower thank god, he smelled gross and I watched TV.

He came out after, only wearing pants and his hair was still wet. "Paul called, he wants us to go meet some fans outside somewhere, you want to come?" he sat down next to me and I snuggled into his bare chest.

"No," I sighed. "The girls and I wanted to have a day out. Explore the city ourselves."

"Sounds fun," he kissed my head. "I have to get ready." He tried to get up but I held him down best I could.

"No," I whined, wrapping my arms around his torso so he couldn't go anywhere. "Stay."

"I can't babe." He sighed, looking at me disapprovingly.

I carefully moved, making sure I didn't give him time to get up as I climbed on top of his legs, facing him. "How about now?"

"I still have to go," he sighed, his hands tracing down my spine.

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