Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Debbie’s POV

“Maybe we can stop off at the hotel first?” Harry said, climbing out of the booth.

“Yeah I need to brush my teeth, unless you want to kiss this,” Louis breathed in my face.

“Ew Lou that’s disgusting!” I tried to wave away the throw up-y air in my face.

“I’m sorry,” he said in his baby voice, grabbing my waist and pulling me to him.

“It is very okay,” I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in, just about to kiss me when I stop him. “Brush your teeth,” I whispered, patting his cheek before pulling away.

“It’s alright Boo Bear, I don’t care what your breath smells like!” Harry stepped in between us, grabbing his face.

“AWW HARRY!” he yelled, taking his face in his own hands.

“You can never break up Larry, even with two girlfriends.” Victoria crossed her arms.

“I guess not,” I chuckled, walking over to her.

“Guys come on,” Liam held the door open for us.

“No, but seriously we have to go home first.” Harry said sternly. “I can’t go a whole day without kissing this girl.” He puts his arms around Victoria’s waist and kisses her on the cheek.

“Now that was cute,” she poked him on the nose, before walking out.

“Why don’t you say anything like that to me?” I joked, walking out after them.

“I do!” he was right behind me, an insulted look on his face.

“I know! I was kidding!” I turned around, stunned that he actually believed I was serious.

“You better be,” he walked up to me, inches apart.

“Brush. Your. Teeth.” I put my finger on his lips, stopping him from kissing me.

“Fine, fine” he grumbled, reaching down and tickling my sides instead.

“Louis stop it!” I screamed, running away.

“Jeez, it has been one hour since you have last kissed, and you are already onto tickling.” Zayn shook his head from the front seat.

“That’s some fast sexual frustration!” Harry yelled through the tinted windows of the car. I stuck my tongue out at him, not expecting him to stick his back out at me like he did.

“Alright let’s go!” Liam was driving this time, leaving Laura in the backseat with Niall and Natalie alone.

I texted her from the middle row, like we used to do when our moms drove us around to avoid saying things out loud. It was funny when she would crack up, look up at me and I see Natalie give her a weird look. The whole ride home was pretty quiet, we were all stuffed and you could tell Louis and Harry were still not feeling that great, no matter how much they try to act okay. The boys are famous singers, not actors.

We pulled up to the hotel, Harry and Louis running in right away. We just waited for them to finish, not bothering to get out ourselves. When they finally came back out they were smiling and ready. “Better?” Louis breathed as I sat back on his lap. I could smell his minty mouth wash on my face.

“Very,” I smiled, leaning in and kissing him gently. He moved his hands down to my back, pushing me into him. I broke away, chuckling “There are other people here.”

“No, carry on.” Laura waved at us, looking at her phone at the same time. I looked at her, kind of confused. “What? Just join the club,” she pointed over to Victoria and Harry, in the middle of an intense make out session. “Hey! I see you smirking in the mirror!” Laura focused her attention to Liam who started laughing.

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